View Full Version : 2015 Scale Parameter in a Title block with multiple scale views

2015-09-16, 04:08 PM
So I like that the scale parameter fill populate what scale the drawing is if there's only one view on the sheet.
When you place views with different scales on the same sheet, Revit return as value of "As indicated".
I would love to be able to change that value to read either "AS INDICATED" or " AS NOTED" or "AS SHOWN", whatever the case may be, but in all caps.
Anyone know where you can change that value?
Thanks in advance.

Maciej Wypych
2015-09-17, 02:56 AM
You can't change the default value.
Create a visibility parameter 'Scale Visible' and 'Not to scale' with a formula =not(Scale Visible). Assign the fist one to the scale label. Create a text "AS INDICATED" or " AS NOTED" or "AS SHOWN" and assign the second parameter.

Duncan Lithgow
2015-09-18, 10:12 AM
Previous post about this issue: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?69272-Change-text-as-indicated-with-scale-parameter-on-titleblock
Autodesk responds: http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/revit-architecture/multiple-scales-on-a-sheet-quot-as-indicated-quot/m-p/4319540/highlight/false#M70375
Workaround: http://revit-windsurfer.blogspot.dk/2014/12/scale-as-indicated-in-different-language.html