View Full Version : 2015 Wall poche in section - only basic walls (no curtain wall)

2015-09-23, 05:27 PM
Hello there, folks!! I hope you're having a lovely day. I'm almost there, but here's the barrier between me and a lovely day right now:

I'm working on wall sections. Oodles of them. I have a view template set up, but when I override walls to poche solid, *all* wall elements poche, including curtain walls and curtain panels. The trouble is, a lot of these curtain panels are glazing, and every one of the curtain panel types has its own material with associated graphic settings to represent the materials when cut.

Strangely, I have floor plans set to poche walls, and in these views, the curtain wall & panels *do not poche*. I have no idea why these two views would be have differently. WTF, views?

I tried setting up a filter for the wall sections for walls with "no poche" in type comments. This removed the curtain wall poche, but now no curtain panel hatches show up either, and cannot be set to any kind of poche in the VG settings because of the filter.

Any ideas why these views are behaving badly? Thanks!

Dimitri Harvalias
2015-09-23, 05:43 PM
A quick answer for you...
As long as you can live with all of your curtain panels showing no hatch, you can add an override to your view template that changes the curtain panel cut pattern to solid fill white.
Not sure at first glance how to set it up so each different curtain panel material can have it's own hatch pattern but I'll give it some more thought.

cliff collins
2015-09-23, 07:09 PM
I just tested this.
The Plan View SHOULD display curtain walls and curtain panels solid if overridden in VG for Cut Pattern-Solid. Not sure why your Plan Views don't?

In your View Template, select Curtain Panels>Cut Pattern and uncheck Visible.

Check if Coarse Scale Fill Pattern is set to Solid Fill, and if any views are set to Coarse Detail Level.