View Full Version : 2016 Which cloud storage do you use for revit?

2015-09-25, 04:47 PM
I've been thinking of putting the revit files on a cloud storage like dropbox or onedrive? Dropbox seems to have sync issues. Or perhaps I'm wrong and it's just a window's 8.1 issue.

Which one seems to have worked the best for you?

Does any one have any ideas about this?

2015-09-25, 06:34 PM
What is your ultimate goal for this action? Is it for backup purposes or for use as a server to workshare with others?

If it's for worksharing, I recommend reading through this post (http://therevitkid.blogspot.com/2012/01/using-dropbox-as-revit-server-free.html) and the subsequent comment discussion. If you've already read it, than you've probably figured out that it can be done, but caution should be used.

I can see the use for backups and I should probably look into that myself since I've already invested in a paid DB account and sometimes almost panic because all my work is on one computer and "what if there's a fire?". But my preferred method for using DB is to copy files into my DB folder and then turn on DB for sync'ing and turn it off once it's done. It's my theory that part of the issues with DB sync'ing is that if it's sync'ing while you're changing things than it's easier to have errors.

2015-10-01, 09:00 PM
If you are wanting to work in the cloud from anywhere and have multiple users accessing the models you should look at Collaboration for Revit. I used it on a project that finished a few months ago and really liked how smooth it worked. It is kind of pricey at $800/ license/ year. But we found it worth it by having all of the consultants models linked. Its as close to real time as working with an in house project (you only see what someone has done with they have synced)

2015-10-02, 05:18 PM
The other nice part with C4R is that you can switch licenses from user to user, if you want to add 3 extra seats for just a month you can do that too at I think $100 per seat per month.
It generally works well until Adesk decides they want to do an update, then it breaks. Of course you'll also be 100% reliant on your internet connection to their AWS server. If the fiber line in say Chicago gets cut you might not be able to work for a while.

We've skipped that process of "Real Time" collaboration for the moment. We set up our in house FTP server to pull files from our network at a regular interval and make them available.
We've also set up it up for a different project where twice a day (noon and midnight) it would pull all of our model and post them, and our consultants would push their models to our ftp and we would push them back to our network. We used it effective like a Revit Server, only we weren't working off of it.
I've seen a process that utilizes drop box as well as a free cloud. Up to 1GB of file storage. They were placing their Centrals on there and syncing to them somehow.

Just some thoughts.