View Full Version : 2015 Creating Text that DOESN'T scale

2015-10-02, 01:12 PM
Good Morning,

I am in the process of creating signage details for a project and on the signs the text has to be a specific size. Is there a way to use standard text for the signage without having is scale. Obviously if the scale of the detail on the sheet changes the fonts will automatically adjust for the scale of the detail which is NOT what I want.

Is there another way to do this?

Oh and the details are being created as drafting views. I mention this because I thought of using model text but this is not an option in drafting views.

Thanks in advance.


2015-10-02, 05:23 PM
I would suggest using modeled text in the signage family.
Just have it stick out from the face of the sign like 1/16" or something.
I did that method for fire extinguisher cabinets. Looked great.