View Full Version : 2016 How do you undo a topo split?

2015-10-08, 12:24 AM
I recently split a topo. Is there anyway to take it back to the original, before the split?

By the way, it's too late to do an "undo" command.

2015-10-08, 01:56 AM
Have you tried the Merge Surfaces button (right next to Split Surfaces)?

2015-10-09, 09:08 AM
As CAtDiva suggested merge surfaces should work for you - UNLESS you deleted one of the seperated surfaces, in which case its bye bye, and no undo probably wont save you in this case. Depends how far back it will take you, but I recently had the same problem and going backwards didn't undo the problem. That said, I happened to make a copy of my topo before splitting it up - I recommend you copy your toposurface before editing it in future - you can always delete it later.