View Full Version : Detail views: is something way out there?

2005-03-19, 09:28 PM
I'm detailing some wall sections on a project right now, and at some point during the day today, my detail views started acting wierd. These are callout views of a cut wall from within an overall building section.

Normally I have my wall section bounded by the crop region (same as the callout's boundary), with notes around it, etc. When I do a zoom extents, the view adjusts so that the whole detail view fills my screen and all the notes and everything is visible on the screen.

Now as I was working today, something happened such that now when I do a zoom extents, the wall section is very tiny in the middle of the screen, and I always have to zoom in alot before I can see anything. At one point one of my wall sections was acting like this, but the other one was fine. Now both of them are doing it.

This also affects my printing if I want to do a check plot onto 8.5x11 of the wall section, I can't simply do a print current view fit to page, because that makes the wall section very small in the middle of the page.

I don't understand why it's doing this. It can't be some detail object way off to the side, because the crop region is pulled in right around the wall section I'm working on. Anybody have any ideas?

Roger Evans
2005-03-19, 10:52 PM
Just a shot in the dark .. have you checked if it is Reference Planes / Visibility ?

2005-03-19, 11:28 PM
Did you associate the call-out with a scope box by chance ?

2005-03-20, 04:12 PM
Try turning off "Curtain System Grid Layout" in the visibility settings. I can't explain why, but this has been the source of some similar problems for us.

2005-03-21, 01:58 PM
There are no scope boxes, and all model elements are turned off except for lines and detail items. I tried turning off both reference planes and reference lines but the detail view still shows up very small (zoomed way out) when I do a zoom extents.

Also when I place the view on a sheet, the red outline that you get before you pick the final view placement on the sheet is about 10 times as wide as the whole sheet! But it's only as tall as the detail itself. :(

2005-03-21, 02:30 PM
Hey there,

What you are describing has happened to me on several occasions. I have always found it to be an imported DWG file. Revit seems to turn on all imported DWG files when creating a new view.

Try looking in your visibility>imported DWG and seeing if they are all checked. If so, uncheck them all.

Good luck

2005-03-21, 02:58 PM
My 2p - The same thing has happened to me a few times and always turned out to be a gridline that somehow or other got moved far off to the left or right...

Hope you sort it... it can be very annoying!


2005-03-21, 03:15 PM
My 2p - The same thing has happened to me a few times and always turned out to be a gridline that somehow or other got moved far off to the left or right...

Hope you sort it... it can be very annoying!

Oops, forgot that one! (Pointing to Elrond) Yeah, that too.