View Full Version : ADT/Revit

2003-11-26, 02:41 PM
I object to the backwards view of the midwest.

I've just recently switch from working as an Autodesk reseller/trainier back to working as a practicing project architect. One of my criteria for firm selection was an open attitude to switching to Revit. We're now doing our first two projects and I'm sure that we'll make a much more rapid migration over the next few months.

As a past reseller, I know the good the bad and the ugly. ADT is almost 100% bad and ugly. I worked with several firms on ADT deployment. ADT has way too much overhead. Too few features are used. No one really uses much more than the plan tools. Section and Elevation from model? Still a pipe dream.

Several firms large have switched in the midwest and many more are in the process of doing so - including HOK.

2003-11-26, 02:43 PM
By switched you mean?

2003-11-26, 02:58 PM
Switched. 100% Revit on projects.
CASCO - moved to Revit for major clients such as Toys-R-Us. Revit is now the corporate standard for Toys-R-Us. If you want to work for them. You must use Revit.

I'll leave other firms not "in the news" unnamed, but a 30 person firm did a years effort in ADT training and deployment. They came to the same conclusion I did. ADT is a waste of time and effort. They are dumping a years investment and moving to Revit. It took them a month to get up to speed. After a years effort - they hadn't produced a project succesfully in ADT.

Another small 1 man shop that had been working with ADT switched to Revit. He was doing ok in ADT laying out plans and such, but not doing any 3D. After and 8 hour training session with me, he had his first projects substantially complete in less than 2 weeks. This person actualy sent me a thank you note making it sound as if I had cured cancer.

I can cite many many more examples, but in each case the results with Revit were always impresive.

2003-11-26, 03:41 PM

I applaud your candid statements, something that must have been a bit difficult for you in the past. I hope that some of the "protectionists" who won't switch because it will spell defeat for them, or whom say the world just isn't ready for Revit yet, or worse yet, keep it alive because it generates big bucks for them at this point, will begin to wake up and smell the warm Bailey's and Java. I mean, what could be more perfect to someone selling training, etc., than ADT?

In the business world, if you make a bad investment, you take your bath and move on. Otherwise, you spend more and more resourses rescusitating the bloated gas filled horse.

I wish the less far thinking would quit fighting the inevitable, and give the "kid" his hour in the sun. And if they are fighting the whole 3d thing, we'll tell 'em "Just dont spin the model".

2003-11-26, 03:46 PM
I feel the same as Aaron most of my clients use ADT for year's and still losing the real model instead, they work almost 2d or at least use a little of elevations in the migration to Revit, they all feel the new way of extended productivity they get with it and finally, they leave the Autocad, where they almost every time finish to make their work, losing all the good's of ADT

Henry D
2003-11-26, 04:03 PM
I dumped ADT for Revit and I'm in Iowa - how much more Midwest can you get? :lol:

2003-11-26, 04:34 PM
Thanks for keeping the Midwest strong Henry! :D

cliff collins
2003-11-26, 05:29 PM
Well, as a fellow "midwesterner" I guess I should pipe in--
I completely agree--have used ADT since R1--currently have 2004.
But, (as Aaron knows) we are going all the way with Revit as well. So, I guess there area few mid-westerners who are progressive and are willing to dump the whole .dwg thing. Hats off to Autodesk with ADT prior to Revit, however. :wink: And I will admit ADT2004 is finally pretty good. :roll:
The only thing in ADT which is "better" is VizRender--vs Accurender.
But we all know Revit is better, Can't wait for 6.0!
Seems there are actually a few firms in the mid-west who are pretty far out in front--Autonovich (sp?) in Chicago, for example. And here in St. Louis--Oculus, Casco (as Aaron mentioned) and ourselves, although we are only in the infant stages. :oops:
Cheers to all fellow "Reviteers" --keep the BIM going....... 8)

Cliff Collins

Cathy Hadley
2003-11-26, 05:46 PM
My 2 cents about all this is... simple...

to each their own. I personally prefer to produce documents and presentations quickly and easily and enjoyably... instead of the alternative. And hand off my 2d bases to others, them being none the wiser. (was that a slam?)

Do we need to bring our combat gear to AU?


2003-11-27, 12:57 AM
What does the Z stand for Cathy?

2003-11-27, 01:21 AM
Hmmm...the Zoog is taking over...all your base are belong to us...

Vincent Valentijn
2003-11-27, 01:11 PM
I agree with Aaron .. I still teach ADT since there's not enough people into Revit yet, but it is a bit awkward. I can tell people the positive 'talk' that ADT's still more used than Revit and also that it has a better connection with Acad... but personally I don't think that's enough to -not switch- to Revit :?:
What is nice though, lots of my 'students' have also been present at one of the Revit presentations I did and quite a few were so overthrown by it's ease and capabilities that they've bought Revit and started implementing it too. :D nice huh?

oh.. anybody want to know what Greg's talking about? >>
http://www.scene.org/redhound/AYB.swf :twisted:

2003-11-27, 07:00 PM
I was just inferring from the other thread re: all your base are belong to us that Cathy has been infected the Zoog...thus the strange Z in her byline.

Cathy Hadley
2003-11-27, 08:02 PM

Haha... just a coinkydink...

CZH --- Z for Zielke .. my maiden name :wink:

2003-11-27, 11:54 PM
And were you pleased to marry it away? A late entry in thje phone book has a degree of cachet.

2003-11-28, 02:38 AM
A late entry in thje phone book has a degree of cachet.

that's what i told my wife.... she didn't buy it :wink:

Cathy Hadley
2003-11-29, 05:19 PM
Not at all... I miss not being a Z... that's why I kept it.

Its still a nickname seems to stick.

Looking forward to our fancy Z stickers indeed!