View Full Version : 2014 "Default" HVAC Zone is set to read-only. Why does this exist and can I get rid of it?

2015-11-02, 06:00 PM
Hi everybody.

So, I've created a script in Dynamo that will allow me to link a VAV box (or any mechanical equipment) to an HVAC Zone, so that if the VAV's Mark parameter changes, the HVAC Zone's Name will update. I've already created a similar script for Thermostats that works. My problem isn't with Dynamo.

My problem is that there's an HVAC Zone called "Default" that's set to Read Only. Because I can't write to this one Zone's Name Parameter, my entire Dynamo script is failing. (Dynamo can only write to an entire Category, Family, or Type. Unfortunately, there's no way to get it to conditionally select something.)



Can anyone tell me why this Default Zone exists? And is there something I can do about this?

Thanks for reading!

2015-11-10, 03:45 PM
unfortunately I can't speak to why it exists, but I have a couple thoughts. I believe that in the revit Spaces they have to be associated with a zone. Spaces get assigned to this default zone automatically. As you've discovered, the default zone can't have it's name changed, but all the other zones can have their names changed.

That being said, it looks like the zones have been names according to the VAV boxes.... so maybe it's failing gracefully?
If it is causing you a problem you can simply be sure that your VAV boxes are all assigned to zones which are not the default -OR- use a list.map and a filter by boolean map to remove the objects that are on the default zone from your list. I'm nto sure which option is best without knowing your whole workflow, but there are definitely choices in Dynamo for removing objects from lists based on some condition.

Good luck!