View Full Version : Roof - wall join in plan view

Nic M.
2003-11-26, 03:03 PM
the wall should run into the roof structure layer (bottom of the roof in the image)
see attachment 2

I know this can be done with edit cut profile but I find it to much hassel for every join
At the moment I "fix" it with filled regions

I played with the layers of the roofstructure but no difference

Is there a solution?

2003-11-26, 04:44 PM
Pardon if I mistake what you are trying to achieve or the problem at hand...lots of lines, hard to see which is which...

With a roof over a wall, there is an option to attach the top of the wall to the bottom of the roof...it is called "attach top/bottom". I would think it would do the trick.

Nic M.
2003-11-26, 07:38 PM
I attached a acad file of a simular situation and the goal I'm ultimatly trying to achieve.

A lot of our work is small residential buildings.
So, typical we have rooms under the roof (I hope this correct english?)
Wat you see in the attached files is a plan view of the second floor.
the left side of the file is a exterior wall, the top is the roof with a skylight in it.

Now the question: if I attach the wall to the roof (attach top top/bottom or join) the structural part of the roof cut's the structural part of the wall and continious to the outside of the wall. (see attachement 1)
This is not correct, the finish layer of the wall should extend to the finish layer of the roof and structural to structural. (see attachment on this post)

I played arround with various layer settings for the wall and the roof but it seems to me its not possible in plan view.
In a section view i get a different result as in a plan view

I hope i did clarify it? :?

2003-11-26, 09:41 PM
Try unlocking the outer layer of the wall in the wall editor and then you can drag it up in section...is that what you mean? If so, check out vertical compound walls in the help.

The picture you posted would not open for me for some reason, so I am not clear what it shows. Sorry if I am not addressing your problem.

2003-11-27, 12:54 AM
Nick, if nothing else, superb new avatar.

Herge would no doubt be delighted to see his boy doing so well.

Nic M.
2003-11-27, 07:54 AM
Thanks fot looking into it.
vertical compound wall is no solution. I have unlocked the outer layer top and bottom but can not select it in the plan view (the tab selects the roof or the total wall)

I gues this roof /wall thing is a common situation (not only in this part of the globe)?
Whatever i try, the structural layer of the roof allways go's till the outside of the wall, in plan view.
In a section view I can get a correct situation but the plan view remains incorrect.

Can someone shed a light?

thanks for the comments on the avatar.
Lets put those (few) famous Belgians on the front row

2003-11-27, 08:28 AM

Can you check that the wall layer you wish to attach to the structural roof layer is also defined as structural under wall properties.

Just an idea.

Nic M.
2003-11-27, 08:43 AM

cheked and dubbel cheked

Do you mean it should connect and I'm missing a setting?
I'm thinking its something Revit doesn't do at the moment.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

2003-11-27, 09:10 AM
Here's a couple of them, Nic.

famous belgian film (http://images.amazon.com/images/P/6302860598.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg)

man on a bike (http://home.conceptsfa.nl/~rivala/merckx1.jpg)

And to make you feel really proud I found this quote

While those less informed might mistake some of them for French or Dutch, you need only read Schott’s Original Miscellany (or visit the website www.famousbelgians.net) and you’ll find plenty of recognisable Belgian names, as well as a great many whom you really should know. Plastic Bertrand, Kim Clijsters, Peter Paul Rubens, Jean-Claude van Damme, Liz Claiborne and Dries van Noten probably come in the first category, with Adolphe Sax (creator of the saxophone), Albert Claude (the first scientist to isolate the cancer virus) and Eddy Merckx (one of only three cyclists to win the Tour de France five times) falling into the second. But even these worthy names are eclipsed by what might be considered The Big Three: Audrey Hepburn, Tintin and René Magritte.

2003-11-27, 09:18 AM
Seriously Nic, I think that the roof oversailing the wall is what causes you a problem. There has been some discussion here and maybe on alt.cad.recit regarding the way the roof tool works and how it deals with edge conditions.

The problem you face here is similar to the eaves detail where a fascia actually runs outside the line of the roof when in fact you want it to tuck in beneath the finish layer and be attached to the face of the structural layer (when looking at simple domestic style construction). The way I get over it if I need to is to have a finish roof and a structure roof and the two have slightly different foorprints. Doesn't take twice as long to create on plan and does cure the section problem you are looking at. Other people have solved it differently and you could search on this forum to see what you can find.

I hope that this matter is one of the things under consideration in R6.

Nic M.
2003-11-27, 12:54 PM

Thanks for clarifying the roof problem.
Let's cross fingers and pray a Hail Mary for rel 6. (that should definetly do it)

the FB (famous belgian's)
I thought the only FB known on this forum was "muscles from Brussels"

I never heard of the film "man bites dog" :oops:
but I know "C'est arrivé près de chez vous", never knew it was translated like that.
For such a small country we do pretty well I gues.