View Full Version : 2015 Views are disapearing in the model

2015-11-17, 01:56 AM

The situation is this one : We are working on a big university science building with over 25 revit users.
Against my suggestions, the architectural team decided to model everything in a model file and print everything (with detail views) in another printing file (GEN).
In the GEN file, at least 5 times per day, we have users losing views (usualy detail views). It happens when someone try to tag an element, or synchronize. It even happened once when a user drew a line and tried to stretch one end afterwards. Revit told him that this element doesn't exists event if he just created it (or sometime it says taht the element was deleted) and when he synchronized, the view was lost. Sometimes it says that Revit cannot reconcile...

I'm desperate and don't know where to look. I'm using Revit since 2002, been doing a lot of mega projects, acting as BIM Director and BIM Manager, but it is the first time that I see that issue.

Autodesk spent over 3 weeks analyzing the journal files and they came up empty handed.

Thanks for helping me, I don't know where to look...

Duncan Lithgow
2015-11-17, 09:08 AM
With your experience you can probably guess the sorts of things we will ask you in here. Maybe you can list some of the things you have checked (file size/regular maintenance/detail line lengths/number of users in the file/RAM etc...)

2015-11-17, 01:28 PM
Here is the info. Revit 2015 UR9, about 25 users ( around ten at the same time in the file) I planned to make an extensive verification for language, I suspect that some english language was added to our french environment since they made some windows upgrade to version 8. RAM is between 16 and 64.

File size is about 100mb, GEN is a file where our main model (BAT) is linked and views are created to make construction details and where we print the whole project. There is also a good amount of drafting views. More often than not, the problem is concerning a detail element or line that the user wants to tag or modify, but the strange thing there is that this element is part of the GEN file, not the linked file... The line is an exemple, it was of regular lenght, but it could be a component placement or modification...

We noticed that the problem began around the time we installed UR9 in august...

2015-11-17, 01:30 PM
My guess is that the number of users in your working on the project is creating most of the problems.
I'd also guess that the team choose to split the model to help with productivity. What I seem to notice (depending on how the team is split up and workflow) is that you just have twice the number of sessions open.
You split the model to reduce the number of people in the model and then each user just has both models open in separate sessions of Revit. Which just defeats the purpose.
Are you all working in the same office off the same server? Is anyone working on it remotely?

Edit: Have you tried to upgrade to update 10?

2015-11-17, 01:51 PM
Hi David, a lot of users are opening two sessions at the same time to be able to work in both files at the same time. How would this affect only one file and not the other? The problem always occur in the GEN file. We are all working in the same office on the same server.

Last year I worked on a mega project divided differently without a dedicated model to print and I had no problem even with over 30 people working in the same 3 models. We even worked with engineers on live models linking.

Thanks a lot for your help


2015-11-25, 02:46 AM
Hi David, we installed UR10, but the problem are getting worse... We have more and more people losing views, this is a real nightmare...

Duncan Lithgow
2015-11-25, 09:53 AM
Have you done anything about the number of users in the file? A lot of people recommend 5/6 and I've seen problems with just 9 users. I wonder if it would remove some strain from the central file if you reduce the polling time for permissions checking from 5 seconds to something longer.

Are users checking out whole worksets out or just borrowing? That might also reduce the strain. I have also sometimes recommended that users select the area they work in and make those elements editable for as long as they are there (or people ask for permissions). I have not quantified if these things help, they just seem logical to me for reducing communication with the central file. (I'm not suggesting less frequent synchronizing)

Like I wrote before there is plenty to read/watch about this online. Take a look at AU online, there's great stuff in there.