View Full Version : Door: error getting value from Space

2005-03-21, 05:56 PM
Here's the setup:
Exterior Door Schedule View file references in a bunch of shell files with their doors and interior files with their space objects. I'm attempting to use this view file for generating a door schedule.

Here's the problem:
Some doors have an "error getting value" for the door number - which shows up as a ? on the schedule.

The object-based property set definition for the door number is pulling in a room number from a space object's property set definition. It works on some doors, but not on others. It works on some doors in the same shell file that other's aren't working in. It doesn't seem to matter if the door is in a curtain wall or regular wall. The problem has no rhythm or reason, as far as I can tell.

Getting closer:
I've realized that if I'm in the shell file, I can move my space object file to get the door to read another space object. So it must be a problem with the space objects and not the door objects.

Any ideas?

2005-03-21, 06:13 PM
In the original file with the doors, select a door & make sure that the "Star" grip is in the space you want to pull information from & see if that helps.

2005-03-21, 06:59 PM
The image from my first posting should answer the question. Yes, the star grip is in the room that it's not reading from.

2005-03-21, 08:54 PM
OK, problem solved. We had space objects for departments and space objects for rooms. They was interference that even freezing a layer couldn't solve.

We are going to convert our department space objects to area objects to solve the problem.

2005-03-21, 09:56 PM
Thanks for posting your solution. I was kinda thinking of that as a possibilty in the back of my mind, but wasn't sure.

2005-03-29, 05:27 PM
I had come across the same problem. You're exactly correct. If you have any overlapping spaces, even on frozen layers or Defpoints, the door anchors may fall into more than one space and thus will not resolve the location assignment.

2005-03-30, 08:11 PM
My problem is similar to yours. I have created separate constructs for walls-doors-windows and spaces, along with other constructs for objects such as floors, roofs, framing, etc. Everything is fine, EXCEPT door numbers in a view drawing. I have Xreffed the space plan construct into the walls-doors-windows construct, and everything is hunky-dory in the construct file. Then, when I go to the view that includes the walls-doors-windows construct as an Xref, all the door tags change to *SPACE NOT FOUND*. As an extra benefit, I drag the space construct into the view and there is no change.

Should I go back to creating spaces in the walls-doors-windows construct?

2005-03-30, 09:41 PM
OK, I discovered the solution myself. In the walls-doors-windows construct, the space plan construct must be ATTACHED, as opposed to overlay.