View Full Version : 2016 Combine Door and Window Schedules

2015-12-10, 06:35 PM
I am relatively new to Revit, so maybe there is an easy answer to this that I have not found.

I need to combine exterior doors and windows into a single fenestration schedule with areas and u-values for all exterior openings for energy code compliance. I was thinking that multi category schedule might work, but it looks like you can't do area calculations in that type of schedule. Anyone have a method for this?

2015-12-10, 08:48 PM
Do I understand correctly: You are unable to insert a Calculated Value field into Multi-Category schedule?

2015-12-10, 09:03 PM
Add shared parameters to the door and window families to report width and height, then do a calculated value for the area. Also do the SHGC an U-values as shared parameters to schedule in a multi-category.

2015-12-11, 05:10 AM
So if I am understanding this...

When I try to do a multi category schedule the width and height are not listed as available fields, but if I create a new shared parameter for width and height in my window and door families and use that instead I should be able to add those fields to the multi category schedule and use it for calculations - is that right?

2015-12-11, 11:16 PM
why not create a calculated value to extract the room area using room:volume divided by room:unbounded height. Both fields are available in a multi-category schedule.

2017-02-28, 03:23 PM
I'm attempting to do the same thing. I need to create a schedule that shows the U-Vaule and SHGC. I only need to show the Mark, Description, U-Vaule & SHGC. The first issue I'm haivng is isolating just the doors & windows in the multi-category schedule. I put in some Filters saying category equals Doors & another for category equals windows, and everything disappeared from the schedule! The second question/issue is how do I get the U-Vaule & SHGC to be shared into the schedule. Right now both vaules are in the each door & window family under Analytical Properties, they are greyed out and their values determined through formulas based on the Analytical construction.