View Full Version : 2016 Joined Geometry

2015-12-27, 01:26 AM
Is there any way to prevent Joined elements from sharing the same line weight and fill pattern? Just remove the visible edge between them?

Well…since my above question got no traction, let me try asking the question another way: is there a way to preserve Object Style Subcategories when joining geometries?

Let me elaborate with this one case in point: I have created an arched wall opening – a Generic Model Family containing several sweeps representing the GWB, OSB and BLOCKING materials that frame and finish the arch opening, and a Void Extrusion to cut the opening in the Project Walls. The Project Walls are GWB o/ OSB o/ Stud core.

When I Load, Cut and Join the GM Family to the host walls in the project, it looks beautiful – the visible edge between the joined elements (and Wall Common Edges) are removed in both Elevation and Cut Views.

But, when I turn Thin Lines OFF, I see (most blatantly in Cut Views) that all the joined element’s Object Styles (e.g. the Subcategory line weights and fill patterns defined for the GWB, OSB and Blocking) have been “re-categorized” under the Host element’s one Parent Object Style Category’s Line Weight and Fill Pattern – in this case, the “Wall” Category.

How do you all mitigate for this? Use the Linework (LW) tool to correct? There’s got to be a better way.