View Full Version : Multiline Sheet Name

2005-03-22, 12:11 PM
I've created 2 shared parameters Title1 & Title2 in my titleblock and they work well with both titleblock and drawing list. (This was a method James Van suggested about a year ago somewhere here -Thanks James). I noticed however that the names in the sheet list in the Project Browser reflect only names created in the built-in Sheet Name parameter and in my case all have Unnamed after the sheet number since I'm not using the Sheet Name parameter. Short of manually renaming all of is there a better way? Thanks.

2005-03-24, 03:49 AM
Thanks for the recognition. I don't think there's a way to get custom sheet parameters back into the default parameter for sheet name. Best suggestion I could make is to generate a Drawing List (if you haven't done so already) putting the Sheet Name next to your custom parameters and copy-paste. Of course, this is just so the names wouldn't show as Unnamed in the browser right?

2005-03-29, 04:07 AM
I just use the built-in Sheet Name Parameter, but the label in my titleblock family is purposely built in a space tall enough for 2 lines, with the label width stopping at the left and right edges of this opening. Then when my sheet name is longer than what fits in one line, it wraps automatically. In the case where the break between the 2 lines is at an awkward point in the description, I sometimes pad extra blank spaces to force the line wrap where I want it. Of course, this means that the sheet description in the browser and the Drawing List schedule will have an extra space or two, which looks a little odd, but not as odd as "Unnamed" would.

2005-03-30, 04:42 PM
I think you can type Ctrl-Enter in the properties box of the titleblock family to get the line to split. You can't, however, type it in the text editing box of the sheet name label. I think this might show up in a schedule as well. Haven't tried it.