View Full Version : 2016 Door Family Organization

2016-01-15, 09:57 PM
Looking through the firm's door family library, it occurs to me that a great deal of simplification should be possible. I would like to drastically reduce the number of door RFA files and have a small(er) number of flexible door families.

My current thought is do develop a number of different door panel families and link them into a more general door family that would include the frame, symbolic lines, etc.

It also occurs to me that there should be some way of accomplishing this using the catalog feature.

Do any of you fine folks have any experience or suggestions to this end? Thanks.


2016-01-19, 01:36 PM
Yep. We bought ours for rather cheep. They worked ok. But now we've changed them to better suit our needs.
Create an assembly from a frame and panel.
Then create your kit of parts (Frames and Panels)
Then you're down to about 4 door assembly families that contain a bunch of shared nested families to cover about 90% of your doors.
I will say this, once you start down this road of change you're not going to be able to stop. You'll be working on that set of assemblies for a while.
I've been doing it for close to 18mths and I'm still making changes and finding small issues that pop up.