View Full Version : Can a family be joined to a wall??

2005-03-22, 12:57 PM
In the image there's a case where wraps don't work to well.
Bricks would have to be outside the core and that can cause problems elsewhere so I just don't use the wall wrap ino this case.
I can make the wrap manually with a small brick wall or use a inplace family with just the wrap brick and join it to the wall.
This inplace family would join perfectly with the wall but if I try to create an outside family to join to the wall it just won't work. When joined the family just disapears.
The goal would be to create a family to nest in a door or window family that would make the wrap.
So...basicaly...is there a family type that could be included in a door family that would aotomaticaly join itself to the wall??

here's an image of the door whitout the wrap...I guess the wrap I want is pretty obvious

Martin P
2005-03-22, 02:13 PM
I do this type of close with a detail overlay loaded into the door family. It is easier just to draw the"wrap" exactly as you want it using detailing (filled regions) and put one either side.

I think wraps are more concerned only with the exterior and interior faces to make yor 3D renderings appear correctly - they dont really work for exact details at windows etc (at least they never have done for me)

the families in this thread give you the idea......


2005-03-22, 02:13 PM
Have you thought of the implication of using edit profile? In something that you don't see in 3d, maybe it is the way to go. I am not sure how many you have of this, I know it can get repetetive and annoying, but until another posts a better solution, maybe you can use this method.

2005-03-22, 02:26 PM
It is possible to remove the opening cut and make any form of void you require to cut the wall, to produce for example an angled reveal. From memory, if you introduce a solid into your family that you then perform 'join geometry' on this will inherit the wall's material.

I modelled a battered window reveal to a brick detail that was 20 mm forward of the face of the wall and I think this is how I did it. It would seem to be the answer to your query.

2005-03-22, 04:07 PM
Thanks for the responses
Have several questions though...
Can a detail "merge" to the wall material?? I tried that with no luck.
Also have tried several methods of embeding the wrap in the windows family and no luck either.
Peter...that is just what I can't manage to do...joining the solid with the wall neither inside the family nor after it is placed.
Can you attach a simple family that does that?
As for you Luigi...I don't know what you mean by "edit profile" can you explain a little more?
The maximum I could get is to make a solid and a void sweep representing the wrap and cut the void from the wall (inside the family of course because I can't cut the wall with the placed family) but then the wrap material, althought is the same, doesn't join with the wall material.
It's just strange not being able to do this because if you create an inplace family and do a sweep arround the window with the same material as the wall and then join this family with the wall it works great.
Well...I've tried many diferent ways but maybe I'm missing something obvious.

Thanks again guys
Here's a sample project with a simplistic wrap family:

Martin P
2005-03-22, 04:24 PM
Detail families loaded into the window/door family are the way to do this. Use invisible lines to "merge" the filled regions - you need to create fill patterns to match your walls. You dont see any of this stuff in 3D so why would you do it in 3D? It is not very elegant, but it is the only thing that will work to achieve what you want...... its not as much trouble as it seems to set it up.

I had a lengthy discussion on the wishlist as to why we need to be able to have a "wipeout" linestyle available in families to achieve exactly what you are trying to do.... still waiting and not expecting it to be honest - though as you have now discovered it is very much required.

See thread here.

