View Full Version : problem in Selection Set Crossing Polygon

avinash patil
2016-01-19, 10:35 AM

I have a problem in selecting blocks by offseted 0.5m. seleted polyline's coordinates.

My code & drawing is attached herewith.


avinash patil
2016-01-20, 05:38 AM
Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet
Dim scount As Integer
Dim fdata(0 To 1) As Integer
Dim fval(0 To 1) As String
fdata(0) = 0
fval(0) = "INSERT"
fdata(1) = 2
fval(1) = "POINTBLK"

sset.SelectByPolygon(AcSelect.acSelectionSetCrossingPolygon, paray, [fdata], [fval])

no object is selected from above code

2016-01-20, 01:36 PM
Are there any objects within the selection area? Are they on screen at the time of selection. (I'm not certain that is a requirement when using .NET.) Where and how is paray defined and assigned values?

avinash patil
2016-01-23, 06:29 AM

I have used instead of

Dim Fdata(0 To 1) As Short
Dim Fval(0 To 1) As Object
Fdata(0) = 0 : Fval(0) = "INSERT"
Fdata(1) = 2 : Fval(1) = "POINTBLK"
and works great