View Full Version : Paint/Split Faces

2016-01-19, 04:31 PM
I apologize in advance if this has been discussed before. I did a search but did not see anything that answered my question.

We are trying to find a good way to show our finishes for CDs, ie: paint color changes. We are currently using split faces to show the difference in material as it will show in different view. However, when something on the wall changes it deletes the split face. We do not want to use detail lines as they are view specific.

My question: How is everyone modeling/detailing their finishes for elevations for CD's? Is there a way to get the split faces to not delete when the wall is modified?


2016-01-20, 06:01 PM
What do you mean when things change on the wall? Do you mean deleted and a new wall is added? We would split the face but would just add a symbol/tag that related to a finish schedule. We would never actually apply an actual material to wall unless some form of rendering was going to get done then and in that case, a whole separate model would be created for rendering.