View Full Version : Baseboards...any tips!?
Can someone share some tips to make baseboard!?
Sorry, I'm not sure about the english term but you can see the picture bellow.
I did it using "floor slab edge" but I'm not sure if it is the best method.
Using wall sweeps can also be used but it's not very practical because you can't define them in a plan view.
I think defining them in the wall itself woud be another option (i'm exploring that right now) but it bothers me to have to define walls with and whitout baseboard.
Any ideas!?
Another thing about floors!!!
I use a floor on top of the main concrete slab to make the finish material and I think it's the best method but there's a problem that I find annoying.
This finish floor as to be joined with the adjacent walls and it works very well but to have things work properly (namely areas that are not affected by joining with walls) I have to manually make all the details off the floor boundary.
I have to align it with the wall core and to the door's panel.
Would be nice to have some automatism for this.
Thanks once more
2005-03-22, 02:18 PM
The 2 options I would use if I were you are the ones you listed. Either the base part of the wall or using the wall host sweep (when I use this I always use the 3d axonometric and swing around the rooms with Orbit(the big eye)
2005-03-22, 02:24 PM
You've listed the main methods.
The one you selected is my favorite. and I think the most flexible.
One you haven't mentioned is drafting linework. In larger projects, this may be more practical than modeling all the base trim.
Thanks guys!
I guess wall sweeps could be very good if they could be placed in plan view.
At least I think would update better to changes and would automatically be cut in doors and windows.
Because finish floor boundary have to be placed "exactly" in order to have correct areas the "slab edge" is a good option.
By "placed correctly" I mean align with the wall core, with door panels and one for each room, even if several adjacent rooms have the same finish.
I do this because when you join the floor with the walls the floor area isn't updated.
Any ideas for wishlist regarding this issue?
Thanks again.
PS: I guess you're right Aaron regarding the linework. I haven't tried big projects yet. At this stage the only performance issues I'm having have nothing to do with the project size...I think.
I think it is really a bad bug in revit. Sometimes only accessing the type dropdown list is a pain. Othertimes, with just to simple family projects open it is slow as hell...and I mean really simple ones...a window with just a frame and and a generic model with just a really think there is a nasty bug here.
2005-03-22, 03:10 PM
I just align my finish floor with the face of the wall using the pick walls option with the "extend to core" unchecked. Only place I might need a little extra work is at the doors.
It would be nice if we had a tool that worked like the ceiling tool to place a floor finish.
I agree with Aaron on the last statement. I put a rant into wishlist sometime ago regarding
floor and wall finishes to act like ceilings. Plus a whole bunch more ideas.
2005-03-23, 02:21 PM
I had a situation where the baseboard needed to find it's way into a schedule and I really wanted to place it in plan view like you. I ended up creating a wall the size of the baseboard and placing it that way. It worked OK, as workarounds go.
2005-03-23, 02:24 PM
Slab edges can be scheduled. Another plus for making it a part of the floor.
I endded up there also Nathanael.
I think is the only sure way to go because the other don't contemplate some common situations.
See the image for an example
I wish that there was an option to relate this wall to a detail level though (not just hiding) because I think there are lots of cases here this could be usefull.
In the baseboard case I slightly embed it in the wall and then just join the two, looks great, but it would be nice that it could be hiden and that the joined geometry could be reverted.
I think a sweep family that could be placed anywhere and not just in wall sweeps or slab edges would be great. (just posted about this
Well...just some thoughts
Thanks anyway.
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