View Full Version : AutoCAD/ARchibus 22 - Gross Layers Question

2016-01-29, 01:34 PM

We have certain building drawings that contain both warehouse and office spaces.

Due to chargeback and other variables we've split these spaces into different GROSS layers
e.g. 01OFC, 01GAR, 01WHREHSE

The new Archibus system does not let us do this (error pops up stating "Database error while processing request") , anybody had any success or workarounds with this kind of an issue?


2017-10-27, 03:47 PM

We have certain building drawings that contain both warehouse and office spaces.

Due to chargeback and other variables we've split these spaces into different GROSS layers
e.g. 01OFC, 01GAR, 01WHREHSE

The new Archibus system does not let us do this (error pops up stating "Database error while processing request") , anybody had any success or workarounds with this kind of an issue?


Sorry I didn't see your post when you originally made it... I'm sure you've worked around it so far.
I'm curious what the situation was and how you got past it.

Are all three of those breakdowns on the same building and floor? If so, an error would make sense when trying to catalog the GROS objects, because the way a database is structured, you need the PK (which would be like, building, floor, external gross, or building, floor and internal gross, so there could only be one of each of those records per floor).
Would they be separate enough that you would want to consider them different buildings? In which case you would make three copies of the file, and log each file separately. Or perhaps use Suites instead?