View Full Version : 2016 Tag > Edit Label > Label Parameters > Filter Parameter

Duncan Lithgow
2016-02-05, 07:46 AM
Can anyone tell me what this filter is for and how it works? I can only find this link, which I don't understand:


The docs don't mention this:

Hope someone can help!

2016-02-05, 06:34 PM
Hi Duncan,
Are you asking about how to set up a multi-category tag?
Basically you can apply a shared parameter to any category at the project level and at the Family annotation tag level and have it report back the value.
Say you want to use the same tag to number Window and Door frame types, you create a multi-category tag to read back the "Frame Type" parameter at the project level.
I haven't used them, I've only seen them used.
Hope this helps.

2016-02-05, 07:14 PM
I wrote about it (http://revitoped.blogspot.com/2008/05/dept-of-subtle-filter-parameter-in-tags.html)in a blog post in 2008.

“It is used to control which elements are taggable by a multi-category tag family. You can select a shared parameter as the filter parameter, and then when placing a multi-category tag, the tag placement tool will only let you place the tag on elements that contain that parameter (either because the parameter was added to the element’s family or because it was added to the element’s category as a project parameter).”

Since by definition a Multi-category tag will let me tag anything...this filter allows me to zero in on specific families based on the parameter value instead of the category which isn't a narrow enough criteria to use.

Duncan Lithgow
2016-02-05, 09:01 PM
Thanks Steve. I thought it must be something like that. Do you have an example of when it might be useful? I'm thinking maybe as a way of making 'tag all' more specific.

2016-02-05, 09:17 PM
I gave an example in my blog post. I used a multi-category tag to identify Egress Path segments. The path is a generic model family so the tag could potentially think I'd want to tag anything. The filter allows me to place it on just the intended Generic Model family. It's also worth noting that I think this was before we could just tag and schedule generic model families on their own.