2003-11-28, 01:23 AM
Check out THIS TOPIC (www.zoogdesign.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=10574#10574) for the ground rules.

Post images for the competition in this thread.

Remember, images are to be Revit/Accurender with no add-on program enhancement.

Good Luck competitors. Start your engines.

2003-12-13, 05:21 AM
No entiries yet ?

R6.0 coming next week, and then Christmas............. is there enough time ?

2003-12-18, 11:59 AM
Just wondering about the charity/pledge side of the competition. How exactly is this going to be run? (Particularly remembering the number of international visitors to the forums).

Otherwise, I already have a couple of renders I could post. So at this stage, it's looks like I'm going to win! :wink:

Roger Evans
2003-12-23, 12:51 AM
It seems that we are all fully stretched at the moment, especially with 6.0 coming out, so I'm thinking that we would be better of to postpone the deadline until later in the year.

For my part I know I'd be pushed to commit time to this at the moment.

Anyone disagree??

Merry Xmas to all


2003-12-23, 12:53 AM
I fully agree Roger !

Anyone like to comment on a suitable date for submissions in 04 ?

2003-12-23, 09:34 AM
I did this rendering for the competition during my trip to Sweden. I'll post it anyway because it's so christmasy and it wouldn't fit later on.
I'm still struggeling with the treemaker to have it do what I want (as you can see an the pic).

Have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year everyone!! :D

2003-12-23, 12:19 PM
Nice use of decals to achieve what we are advised won't be happening. Well done.

And well done too for posting an entry in time for the original closure date.!

2003-12-31, 12:20 AM
well this is actually the first project I did in Revit
it was a bit tough for a first project but I learned a lot.
by the way, this is Revit only, no retouching

2003-12-31, 01:28 PM
Very nice work. I would decrease the brightness slightly, but excellent work. My guess is you've rendered before? I love the use of groundcover in your road shot. Very "full" renderings.

2004-01-29, 11:34 PM
preparing some images for the context...
were are your work's ?

2004-01-30, 05:30 AM
And since it's my only one...

Roger Evans
2004-02-12, 02:15 AM
...Everyone remember it's for a good cause....

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-02-12, 06:40 AM
Tecumseh is a long way from Toronto but that washroom wall has an uncanny resmeblance to Toronto City Hall. :wink:

Les Therrien
2004-02-12, 11:56 AM
Hey! Unisex... let's go!

Actually, Tecusmeh is only 3.5h from Toronto by car. WE go there quite often. Is this washroom in the curvy town hall there!!?

Roger Evans
2004-02-14, 01:06 AM
An old one reworked ~ still can't fathom the water tint yet


2004-02-14, 01:44 AM
Very creative approach Roger :shock:

Your client's a skindiver, right ?

Roger Evans
2004-02-15, 10:48 PM
Thank you Beegee

and No he was just an old perv who fell in


2004-02-16, 11:05 PM
Current thinking is that this competition should close at Easter 2004.

Say 12:00 midnight GMT Thursday 8th April 2004.

Looking forward to seeing lots more images posted.

Les Therrien
2004-02-17, 12:46 AM

that's a cool concept! a view from Atlantis.

Roger Evans
2004-02-28, 09:13 PM
Reworked Again and actually love every minute.

(It's my menopause so let me enjoy it.)

Guess I now owe 6 dollars to the fund


2004-04-08, 02:21 AM
I haven't heard much on this topic in a while, so I hope the competition is still on.

The following three images are our submissions for the Image of the Year Competition. This is the first project HKS did in Revit. It is a 7000 seat multipurpose arena and conference center for a the Garland Independent School District. It is currently under construction, and on schedule to be completed in May 2005. Many hard worked hours by our great design team resulted in a wonderful project. Thanks to all involved, and thanks to zoog for creating a place we could come to when we we had all but lost hope. All comments are welcome.

edit: For some reason I cannot see my posted images unless I right click the link and save to file the disk. :?

2004-04-08, 02:51 AM
Thanks for posting those Archman.

I haven't viewed them yet because there does seem to be some problem with the files. I was going to add the views to your post.

Yes, IMOTY is still running, but suffering from a distinct lack of interest in this forum. Don't know why.

(BTW, someone was telling me that HKS has more seats of Revit that anyone else in the US. Which I guess makes you guys the world leaders in that category. Unless I'm confusing HKS with another firm )

David Sammons
2004-04-08, 10:17 AM
VERY NICE Archman!

Did HKS also prepare the structural drawing sheets from the Revit model?

Dave S.

2004-04-08, 02:08 PM
beegee wrote:
BTW, someone was telling me that HKS has more seats of Revit that anyone else in the US. Which I guess makes you guys the world leaders in that category. Unless I'm confusing HKS with another firm We are still in our pilot program with Revit here at HKS, so I doubt we have more seats than any other firm. However, after talking to the Revit team, this is the first stadium type project done in Revit that they are aware of. So, I guess we're pioneers on that front.

Thanks for the compliments David. HKS did not do the structural on this project. Walter P. Moore Consulting Engineers was the strcutural engrineer. They are not on Revit, so we gave AutoCAD backgrounds exported from the Revit model to them for coordination purposes. Exporting was pretty quick allowing us to create backgrounds often, and this seemed to work well as a coordination tool.

In addition to traditional 2D drawing backgrounds we were able to give these rendered images to our consultants, and the contractor, so they would have a good understanding of what we wanted to see in the building. We are actually using the renderings to tell the contractor which steel is to be painted white and which steel is to be painted dark to match the ceiling. I think this kind of documentation is just the beginning of the paradigm shift that we are about to see with BIMs.

Paul P.
2004-04-08, 02:28 PM
Archman, I'm really interested in seeing your images but get nothing, is this just me or what.

2004-04-08, 02:53 PM
Paul, I'm experiencing the same thing. I can only see them if I right click the link and save them to disk, then click the open option when it's finished downloading. I'm not sure why. Maybe a moderator can help?

Paul P.
2004-04-08, 03:12 PM
Archman, viewed them as you said by saving them. Very impressive, I especially like the veiw of the event floor.

Roger Evans
2004-04-08, 10:40 PM
I thought shall I or shan't I submit this, so I tossed a coin and lost.

What the heck.

I think the image is best viewed some distance from the monitor ~ some may say the further the better.


2004-04-08, 10:55 PM
So thats what the inside of the factory looks like ? ( I was always curious )

Mr. Raiz is looking younger every day.

2004-04-09, 03:12 PM
a little contribuit to the I.O.Y.

Image disconnected due to size...just click the download link to see it...Q

Scott D Davis
2004-04-09, 03:26 PM
Wow! That building is....really......yellow! The model looks nice, but the color is a little, hmmmmm, bright?

2004-04-09, 04:02 PM
problems with my laptop graphic card
in a tft screen it look's less yellow...

Scott D Davis
2004-04-09, 04:38 PM
yes! thats better!

Roger Evans
2004-04-09, 06:28 PM
Personally I like them all ~ nice job



2004-04-09, 10:40 PM
OK, the IOTY Competition has now closed for entries.

Let the voting commence.

( Remember ... the voting rules are :-

3 Each Submission has fee/ pledge of say 2 dollars ($US)
4 Each Vote has fee/ pledge of say 1 dollar ($US)
(that way anyone voting for themselves has to pay a bit extra)
5 Money raised allocated to Charity
6 The winner nominates the charity

Roger Evans
2004-04-10, 12:53 AM
We have now reached over 1000 members if please only half of you vote that's $500 to someone's charity
I think We'll have to sort out how we each pay when we know the total number of votes cast and who the nominated charity will be.

It would be very nice if many of you voted.

The pledge is a minimum by the way nothing stopping you becoming more generous if you are able.

One of my original hopes for this competition was that it could become an annual event ~ it hasn't exactly got of to a flying start so we shall have to see how much support you now give.

Thanks to everyone taking part.


2004-04-10, 11:59 AM
Couple of images I ran for the client's review... Building, vehicles, furniture - modeled - People and plants, rpc - except Dogwood is
Accurender plant. DON'T consider these in the competition - THEY ARE SUBMITTED AFTER THE DEADLINE.... :D Just interested in comments. (But I still would like to pay the entry fee for whatever charity is selected)

- Note - removed images to free up memory for quota limit...

2004-04-11, 09:41 PM
OK, the IOTY Competition has now closed for entries.

Let the voting commence.

( Remember ... the voting rules are :-

3 Each Submission has fee/ pledge of say 2 dollars ($US)
4 Each Vote has fee/ pledge of say 1 dollar ($US)
(that way anyone voting for themselves has to pay a bit extra)
5 Money raised allocated to Charity
6 The winner nominates the charity

OK. HOLD your votes for the moment.

We're looking at a voting system that will keeps the votes anonymous and be fair to all.

Watch this space.