View Full Version : 2016 Service Pack 2 doesn't update the build

2016-03-07, 04:34 PM
I thought I installed the Revit 2016 Service Pack 2 last week but I discovered this morning that the build number does not match what it should if the service pack installed. My initial attempt to install was from a download link. I opened the Application Manager to find SP2 listed as uninstalled. I tried to install from the Application Manager but was told this service pack did not apply to my product. SP2 was then listed as installed in the Application Manager. After running a separate update, however, SP2 now shows ready to install again. Any thoughts as to why this may be happening?

2016-03-08, 12:20 AM
Autodesk Application Manager has been rather ineffective over the last couple years in my experience. This year it has been more reliable though. That said there is an update to Revit 2016 and an update for Revit 2016 R2. The R2 designation is a special early release of 2017 features (those that don't involve a file format change) made available last fall. It is only available to active subscription accounts. as such it is possible you are attempting to install the wrong update.

This is the Autodesk page for the Update Release 2 for regular Revit 2016 (https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/revit-products/downloads/caas/downloads/content/autodesk-revit-2016-service-pack-2.html). THIS PAGE (https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/revit-products/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/How-to-tie-the-Build-number-with-the-Revit-update.html) will help you figure out which version is currently installed.

2016-03-08, 03:15 PM
I agree that up until this latest version the Application Manager has been worthless. With the latest version though, I've been having pretty good luck so I'm surprised I'm having issues now. With that said I've used the links provided to check my build and found some interesting quirks. When I go to the About Revit screen my build is listed as:
Service Pack 2
The documentation that comes with SP2 says the build should be 16.0.490.0 and on some machines in the office it is. Then if you check the Build number site you'll find that SP2 should be 20150714_1515. It's like the service pack got halfway through the install and quit.

2016-03-08, 03:52 PM
Probably should submit a support request so developers can take a look.

2016-03-08, 05:46 PM
There's an update for 2016 R2 that got released over a month ago
I've been carping everywhere I can think of to complain that they haven't uploaded the Release Notes for the patch.
There's a link on that page for Release Notes, but it's dead link.
I'm not about to send out a patch if I don't know what it does.

Duncan Lithgow
2016-03-08, 10:18 PM
There's a link on that page for Release Notes, but it's dead link.

The links work now http://revit.downloads.autodesk.com/download/2016RVT_R2_UPD2/Docs/RelNotes/AutodeskRevit2016-R2-UPD2ReleaseNotes.html

But why is there both a section called 'Update 2 for Release 2' (only available with subscriptions) and one called 'Release 2 for Subscription Customers' (only available with,oh wait it's the same? ) They include different things, but both have a mix of bug fixes and stability improvements. :?:

2016-03-08, 10:31 PM
Confusing as !#$% isn't it?
The initial 2016 release was just Revit 2016.
There was a Service Pack 1 and a Service Pack 2 for that release
Round about October, they sent out R2, which has additional features, and is for Subscription customers only.
Once that happens, the Service Packs (which are now called Updates UPD) are different for the original build and for the R2 release.
There is an Update 1 and and Update 2 that apply only to R2.
As far as I know, (but don't quote me on this) the last Service Pack for non-subscription users is Service Pack 2.

I miss the days of 2016.1.1, 2016.1.2, 2016.2.1, etc.

2016-03-08, 10:36 PM
The links work now https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/revit-products/downloads/caas/downloads/content/autodesk-revit-2016-service-pack-2.html?v=2016

But why is there both a section called 'Update 2 for Release 2' (only available with subscriptions) and one called 'Release 2 for Subscription Customers' (only available with,oh wait it's the same? ) They include different things, but both have a mix of bug fixes and stability improvements. :?:

That link is for Service Pack 2. The now functional link to the release notes that includes Update 2 to R2 is: http://revit.downloads.autodesk.com/download/2016RVT_R2_UPD2/Docs/RelNotes/AutodeskRevit2016-R2-UPD2ReleaseNotes.html Revit 2016 had two Service Packs (1 and 2) prior to the subscription-customer-only "Revit 2016 R2" version. Revit 2016 R2 has since had two Updates (1 and 2), fixing things that were not quite right in Revit 2016 R2.

The nomenclature gets confusing with the mid-year, subscribers only releases, compounded by the ever-changing way that Autodesk describes service packs/updates/update releases. It was worse last year, when there were "service packs" that came out after the subscribers-only "R2" release.

Duncan Lithgow
2016-03-10, 08:36 AM
That link is for Service Pack 2.

Thanks for that correction David. I could swear I checked the link after I saved my post... (I've corrected the link now)

But your answer David doesn't address my question as why there is both a section describing 'Update 2 for Release 2' and one describing 'Release 2 for Subscription Customers'. I hope I've just misunderstood something, I'm just confused.

2016-03-13, 01:45 AM
The release notes are cumulative, for all updates issued to Revit 2016 so far. There are separate lists for Service Pack 1, Service Pack 2, Release 2 for Subscription Customers, Update 1 for Release 2 (subscription only, fixing things in Release 2) and Update 2 for Release 2 (subscription only, fixing more things in Release 2).

The Release 2 for Subscription Customers section describes the new features made available by Release 2. Both Updates for Release 2 describe the fixes each update makes, to Release 2.

Duncan Lithgow
2016-03-14, 12:01 PM
Aha, so 'Release 2 for Subscription Customers' is just the notes for the first release of release two before the release of the Release 2 updates one and two. Got it now - how could I have missed something so obvious... And I thought it was Autodesk trying to confuse me! :shock:
