View Full Version : 2015 Weird 3D View/Camera Quality

2016-03-20, 04:08 AM
Hey All,

This never happened on previous versions of Revit. Have a look at the pic - the trim is melting into the siding. In some cases the trim isnt visible. The sign bellow the lights isnt showing..Any ideas?

Sketchy lines is off and the view is set to consistent colors.

I've attached an orthographic 3d view to show it is fine there.


Duncan Lithgow
2016-03-21, 10:58 AM
That doesn't look right at all. Damn. Nice model. The second picture isn't orthogonal is it? Isn't it 45 degrees to the facades? How do the real orthogonal facade drawings look? Have you started a thread on the Revit forum over at Autodesk forum? Autodesk people watch that one.

This isn't simply a case of Z-fighting is it? Hard to see at this distance, it's that it looks exactly like it. But sounds unlikely with the way you must be modelling.

2016-03-27, 01:12 AM
Duncan, Thanks man. I thought orthagonal meant there was no image warping as in a perspective view. At least that is how it is in Inventor. I don't think it is z fighting because the trim has a good amount of thickness. Plus it doesn't explain the missing siding lines.. If I had to guess now I'd say its my graphics card because I've been getting weird artifacts on screen lately. Damn.

2016-03-28, 06:36 PM
If I had to guess now I'd say its my graphics card because I've been getting weird artifacts on screen lately. Damn.

That was my first thought. Any chance you can open this on another machine? That would be a partial answer. Another thought is that you have something--DWG link or other model information--a long, long way from the origin. When you create a new 3d view, is the model a speck and you have to zoom in to find it?

2016-03-29, 02:30 AM
...is the model a speck and you have to zoom in to find it?

No the model comes in slightly small.. maybe 2" wide on screen, definitely not a speck.

When I listen to spotify and work at the same time to music will glitch out when I move something or do any operation really.

So should I get the next step up in the graphics card world? Are there any negatives I'd hate to mess up my copy of Revit or lose any work. Doesnt seem like there would be but Ive never done it.

2016-03-29, 12:46 PM
So should I get the next step up in the graphics card world?
Are you sure it isn't that specific model/file? I'd check that first before upgrading. Inversely if you have other models, open them and see if you can replicate the problem.

2016-04-06, 01:54 PM
If you scroll in and out with your mouse (not camera) to the view, does the "melted" siding change? In which case try simply playing with anti-aliasing in the Options/Graphics dialog box...hardware acceleration on and off. (you'll have to restart Revit). Eventually one of those check boxes should work. Basically your pixels are all up in your voxel space. ;)