View Full Version : ADT / Revit Poll

2005-03-23, 03:53 PM
Revit users are probably missing this pole posted in the ADT forum:

2005-03-23, 05:56 PM
Revit users are probably missing this pole posted in the ADT forum:
lol. judging by the way that poll swung, a lot of reviteers have popped over there. ;)

2005-03-23, 06:13 PM
4 that are confused . . .& 4 that think ADT is a better fit. . .ironic

oh, and 26 that prefer Revit

Scott D Davis
2005-03-23, 06:13 PM
"Winner by unanimous decision! In the Purple Corner......crowning a new Heavyweight Champion! Revit!" <Crowd goes nuts>

2005-03-23, 06:14 PM
<Crowd goes nuts>
jmho, crowd was already nuts. ;)

Scott D Davis
2005-03-23, 06:27 PM
jmho, crowd was already nuts. ;)
You've got that right!!! :screwy: :Puffy:

2005-03-24, 02:45 AM
60-4 in favor of Revit in an ADT forum?

Now that just cruel.


2005-03-24, 02:56 AM
Hardy Har Har. What are you all trying to prove? Seems like everyone is in a big hurry to prove Revit is the best. If it's so good, wouldn't the software speak for itself? :p

Just messing!

This is the same exact trend I've noticed in my office with those who use Revit. This would be an interesting survey for AUGI.com general populace to vote on (or hot news or world). It could be a multiple question survey to get peoples views on acad, acad verticals, Revit, BIM, etc.

Wonder what the survey chairperson thinks about this??

Arnel Aguel
2005-03-24, 03:21 AM
We still have to wait for those die hard defenders of ADT in the Autodesk discussion group and for sure they will not agree with the result If they can vote 10 times each i'm sure they would.

2005-03-24, 03:22 AM
Ummm, remind me again - who posted this poll ? :wink:

>>> If it's so good, wouldn't the software speak for itself? :p

2005-03-24, 03:25 AM
Somebody who's interested in keeping up to date with new technologies that are on the forefront of todays marketplace. ;)

2005-03-24, 03:27 PM
* Youch *

76 to 4. The temptation of deleting that thread.

P Pelegrin

2005-03-24, 03:30 PM
This is the same exact trend I've noticed in my office with those who use Revit. This would be an interesting survey for AUGI.com general populace to vote on (or hot news or world). It could be a multiple question survey to get peoples views on acad, acad verticals, Revit, BIM, etc.

Wonder what the survey chairperson thinks about this??
finds it interesting... why don't you suggest some possible questions that might go with this theme and email (surveys@augi.com) them to me? :)

2005-03-24, 05:34 PM
Somebody who's interested in keeping up to date with new technologies that are on the forefront of todays marketplace. ;)

You mean an big ADT reseller... I mean, come on, that's who you are. And you make noises that *we* are biased. ;)

If you honestly just want to know what people are using and why, then more power to you, and I'll help out however I can. But if all you want to do is paint one product or the other in a certain way, well, no one's going to take you seriously.

2005-03-24, 08:17 PM
You mean an big ADT reseller... I mean, come on, that's who you are. And you make noises that *we* are biased. ;)

If you honestly just want to know what people are using and why, then more power to you, and I'll help out however I can. But if all you want to do is paint one product or the other in a certain way, well, no one's going to take you seriously.
Actually, its the other way around. Everyone here (my boss included) wants to push Revit & not ADT. That's why I'm trying to figure out what everyone else thinks about it. Not being in sales, I want to be unbiased when teaching / presenting products. There obviously is a reason why so many people have made the switch. Sure, I admit I've always been a big fan of acad & then ADT, but I'm not going to let that stop me from learning about new technologies. I will not bias just one product because it leads to a closed mind for me & I need to keep it open. To side with one product over another can tend to steer one in a different direction. To not accept change can be very dangerous since one can get left behind. One of my biggest things I like to grab on to is change. Change is always a good thing even if some don't see it that way.

I hope you can all take that at face value & see it for what it is. My apologies if I offended anyone with an earlier post. That was not my intent. I was just trying to figure out where everyone is coming from. I will also email some suggestions to Mel for poll & I hope that others will too. Also, while I could delete the thread/poll in the ADT forum - that would defeat the entire purpose of my posting it to being with - and don't think it hasn't crossed my mind!

2005-03-24, 09:06 PM
I hope you can all take that at face value & see it for what it is. My apologies if I offended anyone with an earlier post. That was not my intent. I was just trying to figure out where everyone is coming from. I will also email some suggestions to Mel for poll & I hope that others will too. Also, while I could delete the thread/poll in the ADT forum - that would defeat the entire purpose of my posting it to being with - and don't think it hasn't crossed my mind!

Oh no, no offense taken, and no problem at all. Glad to see you're really interested in understanding what's going on! Sorry to be so bold as to question your intent, but sometimes we do get folks trolling the Revit newsgroup & AUGI, and so I just wanted to 'knock on your door' a little to see if you were for real, more or less. Glad to see that you are.

I don't think you should delete the thread at all, I think lots of folks out there are really interested in the two systems, for they maybe didn't get into ADT at all and are still on AutoCAD, or get into ADT but never really used it, and now are faced with the idea of going 3D (which for most has obvious value) but are unclear as to what to do...

So the more info the better. Maybe starting up a 'why I use Revit' and conversely a 'why I use ADT' thread would be a good idea, for then folks could post their real-world reasons, such as I was within your poll thread, for others to read about.

2005-03-24, 10:46 PM
Sorry to be so bold as to question your intent, but sometimes we do get folks trolling the Revit newsgroup & AUGI, and so I just wanted to 'knock on your door' a little to see if you were for real, more or less. Glad to see that you are.I figured thats what you might have been wondering. I can understand your skeptisim since many can be like that.

So the more info the better. Maybe starting up a 'why I use Revit' and conversely a 'why I use ADT' thread would be a good idea, for then folks could post their real-world reasons, such as I was within your poll thread, for others to read about.I couldn't agree more with this - it sounds like an excellent idea & I will start another thread over in the ADT forum for those who use ADT.

I hope you will start one for Revit. I would be most interested in seeing some more ideas/thoughts.