View Full Version : 2016 Is it possible to create a tag that reads/reports an IFC parameter from a Tekla model?

2016-04-19, 08:59 PM
I want to use my structural subs model and tag their structural concrete embeds for slabs, columns, stairs etc. correctly, to avoid having to modify anything from the subs model. Has anyone done this yet? I'm a fairly experienced user now working for a contractor who challenges me everyday.

Duncan Lithgow
2016-05-05, 08:37 PM
You can tag linked elements' properties for the shared parameters you have copies of in you tag. Is that what you're trying to do? You mention Tekla, are they not giving you a Revit model? If not I have no suggestions.

A search of 'revit read data from tekla model' gave some good links, one of them is a Tekla Interoperability Autodesk Revit Products (https://www.tekla.com/products/tekla-structures/tekla-interoperability-autodesk-revit-products) page by Tekla.

2016-05-06, 08:45 PM
I'm sure there's a way.
I've recently seen a method where someone wrote a Dynamo Script to read out all the data from a RAM model to build their revit model, Not using the link that used to be provided.
I'm sure Tekla like most engineering software has a data output option. From there is a matter of reading it into Dynamo and pushing a family to the location perscribed.
I'm sure there's a sim method one could use for Tekla.