View Full Version : Proper section showing for in placed family

2003-11-29, 08:45 AM
I have a problem, that an in-placed profile does not show correct in the section!

In my attached sample, the section is not properly drawn. This is evident, since a family profile made with the same profile shows correct

Is it possible to adjust the proper section showing for in placed families or is it a problem with visibility or does the in-placed family just not show correct?


2003-11-29, 01:14 PM

If your in-place family is cut by the section, everything on each side of the section cut will show. I'd guess it's a bug, but there are ways around it.

I didn't download & look at your file, but if for example, you are sweeping a profile around a room, and the room is cut by the section, break the sweep up so you have one sweep per wall. Then the part of the section behind the section cut plane won't show.

And if my memory serves me correctly, each sweep will have to be a separate family.

2003-11-29, 10:58 PM
Hi Gerhard,

Your in-place family is not straight, so when you cut a section you are not cutting perpendicular to the plane of the profile, hence the section is different to the straight cut profile in the family.

2003-12-01, 07:45 AM
Based on the two comments I realise that I face a problem, which maybe somebody may help to solve.

I work on as made plans for a basilica. Already during construction, the nave walls, which rest on columns gave in and had to be strenghtend by flying buttresses.
The walls lean in the middle 20 cm on top and 5 cm on the bottom to the outside.
To document the existing situation, I will have to draw a section at least by each column.
As it looks like, I will not get proper sections, since the not straight in placed family or the family will not show correct!

Is there a way to solve it, or do I have to make the walls straight and indicate the actual deflections in the sections with 2D lines (all other parts till now are all 3D).

I still have some problems with the wall itself (see attachment)
But guess will have to wait for that till I know how to tackle the general issue!


2003-12-01, 08:41 AM
Hi Gerhard,

Very interesting work !

If you are happy with the way the 3D walls are showing in sections and details, then I suggest, turn off the visibility of the profile in the section view and replace it with a detail component profile.

The alternative is to draft the section using the 3D model as a base, then turn off the 3D model leaving just the drafted view.

Let us know how you go with that.

2003-12-01, 12:59 PM
This might be a 3d solution...

If it's the curved parapet that you are constructing as an in-place family that's causing the problem, you could try constructing it as a wall with wall sweeps added to complete the parapet's profile. This assumes that you'll be able to draw the curved parapet in a plan view, using curved wall tools (arcs, no pline) provided.

The section will then show the parapet correctly, & you'll be able to control how much you want to see downstream from the section cut by adjusting the far clip plane.

As far as the sloped walls, you could either use an extruded roof between the columns as the wall (assuming they're straight in plan view), or you could construct a wide wall and use full length triangular reveals to cut the wall on each side to the slope angle.

2003-12-01, 05:53 PM
If I am understanding this problem correctly, you are stating that the top of the wall has bowed out approximately 20" at the top, but that at the ends, the walls are closer to vertical. If this is the case, then I would draw the walls as an in place wall family using the blend tool. the top profile would be an arc with a maximum curvature of 20" at the middle, and the bottom would be an arc with 5" of curvature at the middle.

2003-12-02, 03:50 PM
As for the suggestion of gergcashen, the blend seems to work fine. Shows proper in section (measurements are in cm :D )
Have now the problem, that added wall does not proper work with the round window. The window does not cut. I tried to understand a previous sample supplied, "uneven wall sample" but guess I miss something.

As for the parapet, there I still have a problem. The entire parapet is like a profile (see first attachment). So I still look for a solution, which will ensure, that the parapet also shows correct in the sections.

As for gergcashen, I looked at your file "crazy roofs". Did not really got into it, but I realised, that it is actually possible to create simplified capitols in revit (I used up to now a capitol from the library, but it's autocad based and looks a bit strange).
Could you help me out on the basic?

