View Full Version : 2014 clone a profile?

2016-05-04, 08:45 PM
Here's a weird one -- i'm reworking some previously designed roadways. Not all will be built right away, so I've duplicated the alignments into a new dwg file to show the portions in the first phase, and tie in some connecting roads that did not exist before.

Is there any trick to cloning the finish grade profile from old alignment 'a' to new alignment 'g'? stationing is not the same, and there are a lot of vertical curves involved. Since the xy is the same for some of these, I thought superimposing would let me duplicate the geometry, but the vertical curves get borked to heck and back.

Where the updated alignments are congruent with the old ones, I need to maintain the same vertical geometry, and where they don't, I need to tie new vertical into the previous design.

2016-05-06, 12:01 PM
Ok, if anyone runs into something similar, here's how I got the end result I needed.

Copying the dwg file so I've got a clean(er) slate to work with, renaming the alignment and profile I need to edit, and then in Toolbox, run 'PVI_Station" report, and save as xls. In Excel, massage stationing as required, strip out the "+" signs, and export to a text format. Then in the destination dwg, 'create profile from file'. If everything is formatted correctly in the text file, there will be a new profile for the new alignment. Then edit that as needed.