View Full Version : QR Codes for AutoCAD

2016-05-16, 06:48 AM
Greetings of the day,


Hope this mail finds you in good cheer.

Since last few day I was searching on google, a solution for inserting the QR codes on AutoCAD drawings in native entities style and that too offline (without live internet connection conditions). I found the exact same on AutoDesk LABS. I signed in to the blog, it says it is no more available. Possible has been moved as its too long ago in 2010's.

Its my request to you all , your kindness, if any of you have this and can send the same as email attachment to me in reply. If possible enclose the source code too, so if needed, to suite our requirements a little we may customize.

Note this was developed my Mr. Kean.

My email address is zak8279025@yahoo.com


Ed Jobe
2016-05-16, 02:38 PM
A search of Kean's blog (http://through-the-interface.typepad.com/.services/blog/6a00d83452464869e200d83452baa169e2/search?filter.q=QR+code) turned up several posts.

2016-05-17, 05:10 AM
Dear Jobe,

I too did search on goole and found "Decembers Plugin of the Month live on Autodesk Labs: QR Codes for AutoCAD". But the plug in is no more available on the site. Some else proposed that it is on github site. There as well the original one is being modified and the revised one is no more functional. If Ant one has the original backup of the Kean's development, please share.


2016-05-17, 01:05 PM
Kean provided source code (http://through-the-interface.typepad.com/through_the_interface/2010/09/more-fun-with-qr-codes-encoding-different-types-of-data-inside-autocad.html) in at least one of his posts.

2016-05-18, 07:26 AM
Dear Sir,

Thanks for sharing the link, I will compile the one and will use it.