View Full Version : 2014 layers not the same

2016-05-18, 08:06 PM
So I have a house that I and doing as-builts, on it has multiple floors and levels (7). I have set up the level in the floor plan and started the drawing process, However when I go the the default 3D view only one level of the house is rendered correctly. I literally drew a wall on one layer then switched to another layer and drew a wall and then click the 3D view. no color just grey I have checked and rechecked the graphic properties and they look the same for all of my plan layers. I can grab a wall on any layer and change the material and it will change all of the same type walls, but again only on the one floor plan will the 3d view be in color.

any help, just missing a check box that I cannot find.

Thank you


Dimitri Harvalias
2016-05-18, 08:21 PM
Any chance you are using phases?

2016-05-19, 01:38 PM
I do not know if I am I am still a newbie at this. I have included the rvt file so you can see.

Thank you

Dimitri Harvalias
2016-05-20, 09:37 PM
no file attached

2016-05-21, 12:10 PM
Sorry I am not able to add the file it is too big. I tried to take a screen shot and up load it however the site will not let me.

Interesting thing I tried. I put a camera on the ground floor and the only elements of the building to show up were the one drawn on the that particular layer.

Brian Myers
2016-05-22, 06:36 PM
I assume each time you use the word "layer" that you actually mean "level"? If not, are you referring to worksets?

For the "gray" it could be the View Discipline of the view.

If when you state "layer" you actually mean Worksets, then the items on that worksets could be turned off within the view in Visibiliy Graphics