View Full Version : 2016 Revit bugged line display

2016-05-20, 08:14 AM
We are using Revit 2016.
It is happening in a few projects recently, but not all - and this is making finding the issue even more confusing.

When printing I noticed that my dimension lines, and grid lines were not showing where they should be.
In one particular case, a dimension line (which is attached to a wall) showed a good 5mm displaced from the wall it is attached to.

If I zoom in and out on the overlap of the grid vs wall face for example, the lines displace continually and sometimes show overlapped as expected and sometimes with a decent displacement between them which is not the reality.

If I measure or place a dimension between the two lines, I am getting 0, so the placement is 100% correct, but visually it is bugged.
The weird thing is, that I could accept a graphical bug to some extent, but this translates right through the printing process.

Has anyone else had this issue, and what the bloody hell is it?

I really can not use these drawings at all because they just print completely incorrectly.

Been using revit a good 10 years now, never seen this issue before.

I tried -
Using different spec machines but had the same issues.
Turning off 3d acceleration, no change.
turning on and off "anti lissage" (the setting 2 boxes underneath the 3d acceleration one) the name in English I forget (using a French version here)

Actually, I just tried turning this last setting mentioned off and noticed no change, so I turned it back on, and now revit has completely bugged telling me there's an error and it will close the window (but it doesn't close the window) and I can not close the warning down so I am now locked out on the warning screen and can not do anything other than probably open up the task manager and shut it down from there.

Anyone seen this before?
Does a Fix exist?

Edit: Actually I just noticed after restarting revit also, that its ONLY the lines running horizontally across the page doing this. The vertical lines and dimensions do not seem to have this issue.

2nd Edit: Not entirely true, it does still displace on the vertical lines it is just FAR less visible.

2016-05-20, 08:50 AM
I've become far too efficient at troubleshooting Revit :P

So I found the issue.

My project has a "project north" rotation and the view was oriented to my project north for presentation, rather than my "geographic north".
I just toggled this back to geographic north and the problem vanished.
When I toggled back to project north again, the problem was gone, but I think the problem is that my project north rotation is ever so slightly just away from horizontal/vertical and so its getting some weird results.

Having said that, I still find this to be a display bug, because it shouldn't matter if my view is slightly off it should still be showing the lines overlapping properly especially for printing purposes.

The problem was definitely somehow linked with the project north view orientation in some way.