View Full Version : Sheet Issue Date

2005-03-24, 02:36 AM
Hi all,
Is it possible to format the Sheet Issue Date parameter so that the date shows DD-MM-YY? At the moment whenever I add a new sheet the date comes out MM/DD/YY. Thanks.

2005-03-24, 03:06 AM
Go to your Windows Regional Settings and enter the format there. This controls the Date Time Stamp ( the automatic issued stamp on sheets )

For the Date Issued “ ( Project Setting ) … in the title block family, select the date label, then the "select parameter" button from the Options Bar, then in the "Value" field for that parameter, type in the format you want.

SEE IMAGE (http://forums.augi.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1516)

2005-03-24, 09:28 AM
For the Date Issued “ ( Project Setting ) … in the title block family, select the date label, then the "select parameter" button from the Options Bar, then in the "Value" field for that parameter, type in the format you want.

Hi beegee,
I did exactly that, typing in the value field 31-12-04, but when a new sheet is added, the date generated is still in the MM/DD/YY format, and therefore also the date in the drawing list. I'd hate to think that I would have to manually change all the dates in a drawing list of 50 or more drawings! :(

2005-03-24, 11:43 PM
Once you have entered the format in the value field in the titleblock family , loaded that new titleblock into a project, set the Project Information > Project Issue Date to " 31-12-04", all sheets should show that date and format.

2005-03-25, 12:05 AM
Thanks for that - I know now why it's not working for me - it's not the Project Issue Date but the Sheet Issue Date that I'm talking about - that doesn't seem to work.

2005-03-25, 12:12 AM
So when you say "sheet issue date" you mean the automatic date stamp placed when the sheet is plotted ?

Thats not a global setting of course and it's format is controlled by Windows Regional Settings, as mentioned in my first post.

If you want to add a shared parameter called Sheet Issue Date, and make that part of Project Information parameters , you can make it text type and still enter your date as "31-12-04" format.

2005-03-25, 07:27 AM
No, beegee, it's not the automatic date stamp when a sheet is plotted , it's a built-in parameter called Sheet Issue Date and it automatically generates the date in the sheet - have a look at the attached images.

2005-03-25, 10:32 PM
OK, I see now ( its not a parameter I use )

Sheet Issue date is an instance parameter - it must be manually changed on each sheet ( hence the reason I never use it )

It can have any format you wish since its text based.

If you want a label that lists an issue date for each sheet, without the overhead of that one :-

Change the Project Issue Date to Sheet Issue Date. or
Use a shared parameter as mentioned previously.

2005-03-28, 12:14 AM
Thanks for spending part of your long weekend answering my questions beegee - after thinking more about it, the issue date may not be the same as the date the sheet was generated so it'll most probably have to be manually changed anyway. Thanks again!

Alex Page
2005-03-28, 08:25 PM
Yeah...went through this prob ages ago...

2005-03-29, 03:59 AM
Sheet Issue date is an instance parameter - it must be manually changed on each sheet ( hence the reason I never use it )

I DO use the Sheet Issue Date, becase as the CD set progresses, sheets may be added, with their own respective issue dates, while original sheets in the set retain their own original issue dates.

If you want a good way to change all of your sheets "in bulk" when you do your first issue, I use a second sheet schedule (other than my "Drawing List for Cover Sheet" schedule) in which I can display and hide certain columns as I need them. Then I go to the Sorting/Grouping Tab of the View Properties for this schedule, and uncheck the "Itemize Every Instance" checkbox, then only sort by the sheet issue date field, and hide all other columns. Then you will appear to have a schedule with only one entry, which when changed, will change this parameter of ALL the sheets. After unhiding all columns in this schedule, you will see that all the sheets have successfully had the sheet issue date changed with one fell swoop.

Give this a try - it works!