View Full Version : 2016 TAB Key Favorite Use Cases

2016-07-06, 12:09 AM
Collecting a list of TAB Key favorite use cases. Here is a first pass at a list:

01. structural beam ends have two types of control grips
02. ends of a spline have two types of control points
03. dimensioning to the correct element (including wall layers)
04. rotating or shifting model patterns on a surface
05. selecting a roof face (beyond the hip) to place slope triangles in elevation
06. selecting stair runs nested in a stair component
07. selecting the top rails nested in a railing component for adding goosenecks
08. selecting the panel nested in a curtain wall system
09. selecting one element in a group or linked model
10. selecting or placing a chain of walls, lines, and sketches
11. finding the opening cut in a family editor with host
12. cycling thru overlapping elements
13. selecting one middle segments of a multi segment dimension string for deleting

Any other suggestions? Thanks.

2016-07-06, 08:51 AM
Ctrl + TAB let you shift between open views

2016-07-06, 02:13 PM
I did a session for MNRUG several years ago and was amazed at how many different things the TAB key can do.
Here's my top 6:

When you are just getting started, it can take some getting used to the sequence of when to TAB & when to Ctrl (and to not move). For instance, to select multiple items, you’ll need to pick the first one, then move your mouse to the second one. TAB until you highlight the item you want, then hold down the Ctrl key, and left-click on your mouse. If you move your mouse between the TAB and the left-click, you will lose the highlight.
Use Tab to select chained items (Walls & Lines) if you want to select, say all the exterior walls on a building, hover over one wall, then TAB until you see all the connected wall highlight. Then left-click to select them all.
Tab is the only way to get to Curtain Panels. When you are editing Curtain Wall Panels – for example to change a Panel to a Door, TAB is the only way you can get to the Panels. Watch the Status Bar (lower left corner) to see what item is currently ready to select.
Use in Dimensioning to get to Wall Face/Centerline. When placing a Dimension, you’ll often need to get to another face of the wall. Within the Dimension command, as you hold your mouse over the wall, TAB will switch between the Inside face, the Center line, and the Exterior face of the wall.
Cycles through all 4 directions when placing Interior Elevations. When you are placing an Elevation, especially an Interior Elevation, it can sometimes be difficult to have the Elevation Symbol point towards the correct wall. Move the Elevation bubble to the location you want, then press TAB to cycle between the four directions.
Cycles through Object Snaps. When you are drawing, for instance, a Wall, as you drag the end of the wall towards another wall, you can use the TAB to cycle through the Object Snaps (Endpoint, Intersection, Perpendicular)

2016-07-06, 11:44 PM
In the family editor: align lock the end of a reference line to a reference plane

2016-07-29, 06:41 PM
Thanks guys. I was missing a few really great examples.