View Full Version : 2016 Automatic Sheet Specific Visibility Scheduling Filter

2016-07-20, 09:49 PM
You've got two different sheets that are both filled with wall sections. Call-outs for different elements are achieved by way of tags that reference a schedule. On sheet 1, all of the wall sections utilize tag 2, which may specify "GWB." On sheet two, "GWB" is not a specified material among any of the assemblies.

Both sheets utilize the same schedule in order to centralize specified materials. Due to the extensive list, the schedule is falling off of the page. I do not want to break the schedule into pieces. Rather, we would prefer to only have schedule line items if they are being referenced on a sheet.

So, in the previous scenario, if I were to look at Sheet 2, the schedule would automatically turn off the tag 2 - "GWB" line. By doing so, only sheet specific tag reference material would appear. LESS CONFUSION.

How can I make sheet specific schedule items appear only if they are referenced on a sheet?

2016-07-21, 12:35 AM
Use Keynotes, they are a great feature and will only list items that appear on that sheet. Takes a bit to set up but worth it.