View Full Version : 2017 how to export dynamic blocks form Autocad Architecture to AutoCad ?

2016-08-31, 02:00 PM
i am making a small bib in autocad.
i have to make dynmaic blocks and is there a way to export all components from atucoad architectur to Autocad 2017 ?

2016-08-31, 03:34 PM
AutoCAD Architecture is built on top of AutoCAD. Any Dynamic Block you create in AutoCAD Architecture should work the same in vanilla AutoCAD.

AutoCAD Architecture objects do not play nicely in Dynamic Blocks. Are you trying to incorporate something created with AutoCAD Architecture objects in a Dynamic Block? If so, post back indicating what type(s) of AutoCAD Architecture objects you are using, and someone here may be able to offer advice on how to convert them to an AutoCAD object.