View Full Version : 2015 View keeps changing size

2016-09-21, 04:44 PM
I recently started a consulting job. The Revit setup I've been given is one screen. After 8 years of using dual screens, I'm having an unfamiliar problem. I have my model view at the center of my screen, with browser and properties windows to either side. (It's a hi def wide screen) I resize the windows to avoid overlapping, but whenever I change the model view, say plan to elevation, the model view reverts to full screen, partially covered by the browser and properties. I'm using Win 7 pro.

How can I resize the 3 views so that they don't overlap and get them to STAY that way?

2016-09-21, 06:31 PM
Hi Mike
I have one screen and keep the properties and browser "docked" at the left hand side. Once "docked" they stay on that side, one above the other.
Getting them "docked" is tricky once they become loose and floating around.... you have to push each one into the corner (up or down depending) as far as it will go.
Someone else might have the trick of this better .....

2016-09-21, 11:08 PM
Yep, it's all about docking. Take a look at Steve's video clip here (http://revitoped.blogspot.com/2014/07/dockable-windows.html).

2016-09-21, 11:42 PM
Thanks for posting that! Really helpful.....
I have spent some time with "trial and error" approach to docking...The location of the cursor being key is helpful.

2016-09-22, 02:24 PM
Sounds like the docking was your actual problem.
I've found the trick is to watch the shape of the outline. When your cursor gets way over to the edge, the outline will appear to snap into a docked location. That's when you need to click.
This wasn't really your problem, but I like the Palladio Windows Layout add-in a lot. It makes a much easier and more reliable way to organize mutliple View Windows