View Full Version : 2017 Managing Rooms over multiple phases?

2016-09-29, 03:00 PM
Just wondering what methods people use to manage rooms across multiple phases. I'm currently working on a school renovation with classrooms being added and moved over multiple phases and we're having a devil of a time making sure we have all the rooms from the previous phase as they move around the building. Given that revit can't schedule rooms across phases does anyone have a clever method/workflow of tracking existing and new rooms across the different phases? Maybe some plugin or script that helps this process?

2016-10-04, 05:26 PM
In theory you should be able to write something that returns the x,y,z coordinate of a room object in dynamo. That's about the only way I can think of to ensure the object in one phase with a name and number is in the same general location.
Just a thought.

2016-10-05, 05:35 PM
Just a simple answer: in the Access database, existing and project rooms appear in the same schedule and are easy to sort by name...

2016-10-07, 05:51 PM
Dynamo :

Should be able to use some of the phase tools in a variety of packages out there.


2016-10-07, 08:22 PM
I would use Get Parameter Value By Name instead...