View Full Version : 2017 Rendering/Exported view Alignment issues

2016-10-04, 11:09 PM
I've got a series of views ready to render out into photoshop.

My workflow for past projects has been :
1. Render out view, export to .TIFF
2. Export shaded view w/ no linework at same resolution for color selection in PS.
3. Export similar, except shadows
4. Export sim, except ambient shadows

Then in PS, I layer everything together and start color correction or whatever.

NOW, in 2017, I'm having issues with the rendered view not aligning with the exported views. To be clear, this is all the same 3d view in the project browser. Somehow, the rendered view seems to be slightly bigger, like there's a lens warping effect going on. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the new renderer (we skipped from 2014 straight to 2017), or something else. Any thoughts?

2016-10-06, 09:58 PM
No one's had this issue before? We're gearing up for a presentation to the city, and running out of time.