View Full Version : 2016 Area miscalculation with Non-Placed rooms

2016-10-12, 11:41 AM
I've put my room schedule into Revit, and placed most but not all of the rooms that the client requested. So what I want to do is produce a schedule which lists out what the client has asked for compared to what we have provided.

So I have a parameter called the Brief Area, and I have a calculated parameter that substracts the actual Area from the Brief area to give me the difference. Now I've never noticed a discrepancy before and I've been working in Revit since 2011, but using Revit 2016, when Revit totals up the difference in areas any Non-Placed rooms in the model are not showing up as a negative number.

For example

IT Manager Office - Brief Area = 16m2, actual area is 0m2 as the room is Non-Placed, so the difference should be -16m2, but Revit is calculating this as 0m2.

If previous versions were doing this I would have thought I would have noticed by now, but does anyone know if it's a glitch in 2016 and whether there's a way around it?

The only thing I have come up with is to include another parameter that I update manually so I can filter out the not placed rooms, but this means the total Brief Area then is short because it's missing the rooms. Which would then lead to needing further schedules, or I just export it to excel which is extra work.

2016-10-13, 04:22 PM
I'm wondering if there's something flawed in the calculated value.
What's the formula you were using?

2016-10-19, 12:38 PM
I'm wondering if there's something flawed in the calculated value.
What's the formula you were using?

It was nothing fancy, it's an area parameter with just Brief Area - Area

I also checked and it does the same in 2014.

2016-10-19, 12:50 PM
you could add a check if statement something like

if(Brief Area + Area = Brief Area, -(Brief Area), Calculated Value)

This would return Brief Area as a negative value any time Area is 0 which only happens when it is not placed

2016-10-19, 01:05 PM
That works great!

Very much appreciated, saved me further head scratching.