View Full Version : Roof Trouble!

2003-12-02, 11:16 PM
Having trouble designing this arched/curved roof. I have it shown
the way its supposed to look, but had to "cheat" to get there. I created a curtain wall then just joined the extruded roof to it. Don't know how to model the roof correctly. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

2003-12-02, 11:55 PM
Its looking good to me.

But you are possibly referring to "Start and End Extrusion" in Roof Properties.
Just remember that from the elevation view towards the Viewer is a Positive value and away from the Viewer (into the monitor ) is a Negative value.
So if you set the work plane on the elevation face and extrusion start at 0'0" and extrusion end at +10'0", the awning roof will extend 10'0" from the building face.

2003-12-03, 01:02 PM
melbs19 do a normal roof by extrussion setup the arch shape on a reference plane. finish sketch. then select the roof, select Cut Pan Profile
& in plan draw the negetive shape of the cut making sure the arc in plan cuts the roof extrusion boundaries.hope this helps

2003-12-03, 01:39 PM
Thanks Shaun!

That was what i was looking for! One more question,
Is there a way to put a facia on the curved part?

2003-12-05, 06:28 AM
Melbs, couldn't you just leave it at that. No the facia sweep doesnt work with an arc on an arc. You have to then do an extrude solid and then a void cut. the prob is that it doesnt miter with the rest of the flat facias