View Full Version : 2017 MORE TEXT ISSUES

2016-11-16, 07:14 PM
Not sure if others are having the same problem or not. But when I try to type in some existing text I have to double punch my Number Lock button. Or other times where the cursor will show up in the text box, but it's basically mirroring it's location, for example if I were typing in the text box with the text "2 Car Garage" and I wanted to change that 2 to a 3. if I try to highlight the 2 it would actually be changing the g or e of Garage. Anyone else experiencing this? Or have a solution for this?

2016-11-16, 09:38 PM
Do you have all of the latest updates installed?
There were several weird TExt issues that were fixed in SP1 and even more in 2017.1

2016-11-16, 09:41 PM
I downloaded 2017 the last week in October from Autodesk. Would that version not have those updates? Will the Updates Page on Autodesk take care of the issue?