View Full Version : 2015 Elevation markers will not show on plan

2016-11-17, 09:40 PM
I've searched the forum and the internet, but still haven't found an answer. I hope it's a "slap-your-forehead" moment, but we'll see...

I have elevations set up for all my curtain wall and storefront windows for a "Window Type" sheet. The elevations for these have their own type, "Window Schedule Elevations" and are set to Hide at scales coarser than 12" = 1'-0". Therefore they don't show on the plans. Perfect! Until I want to adjust something about the elevation's cut line: I can't get it to show on the plans! No matter what I do, including changing the scale of the plan or the "Hide at scales coarser than" parameter.

I even tried "Find referring views" and Revit says it can't find any.

What's going on?

2016-11-18, 02:05 PM
We have a separate View set up with a View Template that shows only Walls and our Curtain Wall Elevation bubbles.
Or use a Filter on your other Plans to hide the bubbles instead of Coarser Than. That way you can use Temporary Override

2016-11-18, 02:34 PM
Those are good ideas, DaveP, and I'll probably do something along those lines next time.

However, on this project where I've already set it this way, I can't get the elevation makers to show on any plans anymore! It's not a "best practices" question at this point, more of a glitch/bug/quirk that I'm trying to fix/workaround.

2016-11-18, 03:34 PM
Where did you adjust the "hide at scales coarser than? In the view type or did you select all of the views and change it.
I'm wondering if they are still residing within the floor plan cut plane range.
If you were adjusting a window elevation so it's only showing a ribbon window strip there's a slim chance there.
Someone by change didn't do a select all and hide element in view by chance did they?
Just some thoughts.

We also use Filters to hide things.
When I was going structural work we had a separate floor plan to create all of our pier plan callouts from and just checked the show in parent view only.

2016-11-30, 03:47 PM
Again, all good ideas! Alas, I have changed them all back, undone view templates, Reveal Hidden Elements... all to no avail. Most of the windows are floor to ceiling, so not out of the view range, and the elevation crop usually shows down to the floor so that the level marker is in the drawing.

Still no luck! I'll keep trying.

2016-11-30, 05:54 PM
A few long shots here but maybe worth a try. Is it a phasing issue perhaps? Is your plan cropped down to the point that the elevation location lines don't fall within the crop? Did the elevation tags in the window elevation types (assuming they're different from your typical) get messed up and now either have no tag or something you don't recognize?

2016-11-30, 06:40 PM
By chance the plan view your looking at wasn't created with a detail call-out was it?
Detail callouts won't show elevations.
Just another thought.

2016-11-30, 07:43 PM
My first guess would have also been non-intersecting view regions (elevation crop) as others have noted. Beyond what others have suggested you might also try confirming that the Discipline of the Floor plan matches the Discipline of the elevation.

You can try the Trial version of Ideate XRay - it might help you determine the cause.

Best Regards,
Glynnis Patterson

2016-12-16, 03:34 PM
More good ideas! I'll give them a try and report back... still no luck, although we're dealing with it.

2016-12-23, 02:15 PM
if you have phases setup in your revit project make sure the view your trying to show the elevation markers in is set to the correct phase.