View Full Version : WIP: Residential Buildings

Dean Camlin
2003-05-14, 01:23 PM
Here's one that's starting CDs. The existing building is in the Federal-Italianate-Second Empire style(s). The tall tower in the foreground is a new 4-story elevator addition. Other additions are to the left and rear in this view. We haven't modeled the ground yet.

Allen Lacy
2003-05-14, 01:44 PM
I bet you'll have fun with the trim and mouldings on this one! :wink:

2003-05-15, 03:02 PM
What I really want to know is where you find your clients. :)

Dean Camlin
2003-05-15, 05:56 PM
bclarch said:

What I really want to know is where you find your clients.

lol! :lol: To tell the truth, this house is about a 1-minute walk around the corner from my office in little Westminster, Maryland, and the clients just called out of the blue one day. And that's not the strangest thing, either: One day the husband of this 2-lawyer team showed up to pay his outstanding bill -- in cash! It was several $K! My secretary didn't know what to do!

I guess if anybody's looking to do a bit of money laundering, hiring an architect might be the place to go. I know this kind of client makes me awfully happy! :D

Thomas Cummings
2003-05-15, 11:34 PM

Back in the days (20 yrs ago) when I was working for a builder in NC, we had built a large custom home on the builder's lot for an attorney. The builder never asked for a progress payment. Called away at the last moment, the builder sent little ole' me to the closing to "get the check". The buyer whipped out a checkbook and made the closing agent repeat the bottom line ($440,000 and change), then he proceeded to write a personal check! The closing agent balked and asked for a cashier's check. The buyer told the agent to call the his bank. She did and then accepted the check! On the way out the door the buyer asked for the amount again since he had forgot to enter the check into his ledger. He said, "It really pisses my wife off when I borrow her checkbook and forget to enter the checks I write"! His subliminal message was clear--"We're paying for this house with my wife's allowance!". I remember wondering what would have happened to that closing agent had the buyer put a stopper on that check. Cement shoes, probably.

2003-05-16, 12:53 AM
Back in the days (20 yrs ago) when I was working for a builder in NC, we had built a large custom home on the builder's lot for an attorney. The builder never asked for a progress payment. Called away at the last moment, the builder sent little ole' me to the closing to "get the check". The buyer whipped out a checkbook and made the closing agent repeat the bottom line ($440,000 and change), then he proceeded to write a personal check!

The guys name didn't happen to be Tony Soprano by any chance ?


Dean Camlin
2003-05-16, 12:34 PM
I think if I borrowed $440,000 from my wife's checking account she might get ****** too. In fact, she'd probably **** out :!:

Thomas Cummings
2003-05-16, 01:20 PM
I'm glad my wife doesn't have $440,000 in mad money..............old "builder boy" here would be on the street so fast it would make my head spin! :lol: