View Full Version : 2016 Problems with Shared Coordinates

2016-11-24, 02:59 PM
A job in the office (Architects!) has experienced several setbacks in trying to get shared coordinates to work. I wasn’t around when it was first set up and unfortunately I don’t know how and/or when things first started going wrong. Error messages kept appearing and suggesting that models had been moved when in fact they hadn’t.
In an attempt to fix it once and for all I tried resetting the shared coordinates. Here is what I did, and below I explain the structure of the models in case that helps get through to the bottom of the issue:
Opened model, detached from central, removed any revit/cad links (to make sure I was working from a blank slate as much as possible);
Linked a blank revit model (with only 1 wall) Origin to Origin;
Acquired coordinates;
Removed the link and saved;
Repeated this process for each of the 10 models in this job, and then;
Opened the site model, linked the OS map, acquired coordinates;
Linked each of the other blocks in the site model (as overlays);
Published coordinates and Saved positions to each of the linked models.

No one was using any central/local model during this process but myself. No warnings and everything seemed to be going well.
When I now try to link blocks among each other – say for example trying to link Block B into Block A – I get the following error message: Shared Sites in the link '3136_Block B_R16_WS.rvt' have been modified, but not saved back to the link. Upon reopening, instances of the link will return to their last Saved Positions. You can Save the link later via the Manage Links dialog.

The model has NOT been moved and the positions WERE saved when coordinates were set up. I can choose OK and the models will come in the correct location.But I am lacking trust!

This is the model set up:
Site model (has all other models linked as overlays)
Block A up to Block G (7 models)
Units (contains the internal layouts of all blocks in one file)

Yes, it's complicated.
Any help would be very much appreciated.


2016-11-25, 01:45 PM
When you linked the different models back into the site plan did you do it 'By shared coordinates'? Also you should open all of your individual links and load the site plan into them to check wether their positions have been saved back to them.

2016-11-25, 02:17 PM
I have the same problem. I acquired coordinates (and published them too in another test) from third party model into two default brand new files and these files do end up in the right location but return the error message Luisa mentioned. I run multiple tests covering every single possibility with new models and the third party model and with another model and it always ends up the same way - only this one third party model and models with coordinates shared from that model cause problems. BTW when I link the secondary model back to source model it works ok but not the other way round. I see only two options: 1) CAD drawing (probably lost somewhere in the model) linked/inserted to the original (source) model causes this problem or 2) the base point/survey point is corrupt. So I think what I am looking for is some C# code to read/compare/reset coordinate system.

And to answer all questions: in a past I did run projects with hundreds files linked together from multiple sources and Revit and AutoCAD formats and I know it works.

2016-11-28, 01:37 PM
You only need to work within the Site file. First open the Site central file (not a local copy) then link one of your models by shared coordinates (not origin to origin) locate where the link is as it may be far away. Then move the link to where it needs to be and rotate or elevate it if need be. Then publish back to the link file and save. Open your link model and load in the site model to verify location has be saved. Also make sure the shared site setting when clicking on the link is set to internal and record back to. See attached image

2016-11-28, 01:51 PM
Hi marmiketin, thanks for your response but unfortunately it does not work. In fact I think managed to fix it just now using this simple method 1 from this blog http://whatrevitwants.blogspot.co.uk/2016/03/two-ways-to-fix-shared-coordinates-and.html. Its a shame that there is not "reset" button for the coordinate system. And I mean Coordinate System not coordinates.
I have a feeling that this is an answer to luisa's problem too.