View Full Version : Mouse middle button (wheel) playing you up

2005-03-26, 09:01 PM
Experiencing issues / problems with your mouse middle button (wheel) ie.

Can't Pan.

Can't Zoom.

OSnap menu not displaying.


The below information might just help resolve such issues / problems....

Autodesk Knowledge Base:

ID: TP2490728 - Side Button Mouse Customization for the OSNAP Menu (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TP2490728)

ID: TS71373 - Set mouse thumb button to open object snap menu (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS71373)

ID: TS69028 - Activate object snap menu from Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer mouse (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS69028)

ID: TS74883 - Wheel mouse zooms or scrolls drawing window when text window is active (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS74883)

ID: TS72578 - Unable to zoom using mouse wheel (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS72578)

ID: TS45716 - Zooming with Logitech Wheel Mouse (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS45716)

ID: TS84054 - Cannot pan or zoom using IntelliMouse wheel button (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS84054)

ID: TS17268 - Enable and disable real-time pan on middle button of three-button mouse (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS17268)

ID: TS65759 - Wheel button on mouse does not perform zoom functions (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS65759)

ID: TS19115 - Adjusting zoom percentage and scroll value for the mouse wheel (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS19115)

ID: TS22795 - Cannot pan or zoom with mouse wheel (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS22795)

ID: TS76296 - Mouse wheel not zooming (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS76296)

ID: TS26915 - Using Joystick mode with a wheel mouse (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS26915)

ID: TS20605 - Wheel mouse panning function is not started (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS20605)

ID: TP5147130 - Using ZOOMFACTOR (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TP5147130)

AUGI Forum:

Scroll Button Pan is Wacky!

Middle Button OSNAP?

Middle Button option on mice?

not able to use my favorite commands!

Panning with mouse wheel

Logitech mouse and CAD

Intellimouse Middle Wheel Button

Middle mouse button zoom-pan

Can't Zoom Pan with Logitech MX 1000 in Acad

Unable to Pan using the wheel button on my mouse

Panning with the middle mouse button

Pan not working with mouse wheel

Pan button problem

Can't 'middle button pan' when all seems set right

Pan wheel function on Intellimouse

changing mouse buttons

using scrollwheel mouse

Wheel Mouse button not Pan Realtime

osnap shortcut in AcadLT 2002

Panning with wheel mouse button

Assign Middle button to OSNAPS

Wheel mouse does not Zoom

Middle mouse button has stopped working

Wheel Mouse button trouble

Need help with middle button/wheel...

Mouse wheel does not Pan

Middle mouse button won't Pan

Panning with Middle Mouse is Mirrored.

Real-time Pan with mouse-wheel, pans in joystick style

Can't set-up scroll button on mouse to work correctly - Pans but does not Zoom

Middle mouse wheel button not panning

Wheel mouse button does not pan?

AutoCAD 2007 unable to Pan using the mouse middle button

AutoCAD 2007 Pan not working via IntelliMouse middle button

AutoCAD 2007 setting up mouse wheel and button allocations

Logitech MX500 optical mouse - wheel does not Pan

Logitech mouse not panning properly

AutoCAD 2008 - Middle button on mouse not panning

Unable to pan with the middle mouse button

Middle button (Wheel) not Zooming on 64 bit system?