View Full Version : 2015 Using a parameter in a view as a place for to-dos?

2016-12-16, 03:29 PM
This may have been discussed before, but I didn't know what to search on, so if you know of another thread, please add a link...

Has anybody ever used a (shared) parameter applied to views to serve as a live-updating to-do list?

We have a hardcopy set of drawings that we are using as a redline set. Pretty standard and works well enough. However, I'm always irked that the hardcopy and model and its views get out of sync so quickly with the hardcopy. Within weeks or even days, the hardcopy is no longer the definitive source. Granted, we are not disciplined enough to keep our sheets and views organized as well as possible,, but nonetheless...

What I was imagining was a schedule with Detail Number, Sheet, View Name, and To-Do fields. Is this an old idea? Is it a good idea? Bad? Useful? Confusing?

2016-12-20, 12:43 AM
What's the perceived value? If you've got the redline set, you can use that to check off items as they are completed.

Frankly, as soon as I print a set of drawings I consider them out of date. The model is always the definitive source in our office.

How are your views sheets getting disorganized? Maybe that's a good place to start to devise a system that will help you stay organized moving forward.

It would seem to me that a parameter as you suggest would take a lot of work to set up and would quickly get out of date.

2016-12-21, 12:58 PM
What I have set up is a Legend called -PROJECT NOTES- in our Template. On the legend is an Initial Work Flow list to help get a project started and a PROJECT NOTES List that can be used to keep track of action items. The important thing is that this view is set as the Starting View so that when the project is opened this the view that you will see first.

As for Red Lines we do not hard copy anymore, we use Bluebeam Studio sessions. A session is created of the project and shared on a cloud, the set is reviewed and team members are invited to the session and comment are reviewed in a project review meeting. All invited team members can comment on the session set but are not allowed to change comments other than your own. The session is live and detailers highlight items addressed in the session. Very slick

2016-12-29, 02:11 PM
Here's a thought that might work for you.
Instead of a schedule, you could use User Keynotes.
Create a tag and a legend that's say Red or something like that.
You could use it to mark up drawings and when task is complete delete the tag, and the note is removed from the drawings.
Just a thought.