View Full Version : 2017 Masking Region - Boundary Lines

2016-12-19, 08:27 PM
I'm pretty sure this is just a setting but I can't find it and I'm hoping someone can help me. Here's my problem.
I'm using a masking region to show a chamfer edge of slab in a section view. If I draw the boundary using invisible lines for the masking region directly on top of the edge of slab it doesn't completely hide the edge of slab line. Seems like the edge of slab line is thicker than the invisible boundary line of my masking region therefor not completely covering the edge of slab line. My workaround for this is to draw the boundary lines offset 1/4" outside the edge of slab lines. This gets the job done but would be so much easier if the boundary line of my masking region could completely hide the model line it's sitting directly on top of.

Thank you!

2016-12-19, 08:59 PM
Unfortunately Revit uses a thin line weight for invisible lines so if you draw it over another line that has a higher line weight you will still see some of the line you are trying to hide. Also Revit does not let you edit the invisible line type in the linestyles so it cannot be fixed. You just have to do what you are doing and offset the line slightly until you get what you want. Just the way it is.

One way to work around this though would be to create a new line style with a heavier weight and then give it a colour of 'white' so that when it prints you wont see it unless you print on something other than white paper.

Kimberly Fuhrman
2016-12-19, 09:15 PM
Make sure when you print or create a PDF that the checkbox for "Region edges mask coincident lines" is unchecked in the Plot Settings dialog box. It will look like they overlap on screen, but will plot correctly.




2016-12-20, 01:36 PM
Thanks for the tip Kimberley. This feature was added in revit 2014 (My firm just recently switched to 2016 from 2013 so I was not aware of this). I made a little graphic showing how it works.

2017-01-23, 07:34 PM
Have you tried using the cut profile tool? This is how we typically show a chamfered edge in our slab details.

I'm pretty sure this is just a setting but I can't find it and I'm hoping someone can help me. Here's my problem.
I'm using a masking region to show a chamfer edge of slab in a section view. If I draw the boundary using invisible lines for the masking region directly on top of the edge of slab it doesn't completely hide the edge of slab line. Seems like the edge of slab line is thicker than the invisible boundary line of my masking region therefor not completely covering the edge of slab line. My workaround for this is to draw the boundary lines offset 1/4" outside the edge of slab lines. This gets the job done but would be so much easier if the boundary line of my masking region could completely hide the model line it's sitting directly on top of.

Thank you!