View Full Version : 2017 Revit Arch objects obscure detail groups

2017-01-04, 05:09 PM

This is an ongoing problem that I would love to find an answer for. I use a detail group with a small piece of text that represents foundation wall hold down anchors as shown in the attached image.

The footings and foundation walls obscures the detail group, but the text overlays just fine. Here's what I've tried:

Setting the draw order Bring to Front does not fix this.
Ungrouping it does not fix it.
Changing the View Range does not fix it.
Making a masking region and setting the draw order of the two does not fix it.
Creating the group outside the viewport shows the detail lines over the objects, but you can't make a filled region outside the viewport, so that's out (bad technique anyway).

The only way I can make the detail show through is if I make the footings and concrete walls 100% transparent. Then the detail group will show through fine, but the walls and footings are not displayed correctly.

Any advice would be great!
Revit Arch v2016, Windows 7

2017-01-04, 06:24 PM
Why are you using a 'detail group'? Is that symbol not setup as an annotation tag family? It looks to me like the lines for the symbol are model lines and not detail lines and that is why they are being obscured by model elements.

Also is that concrete hatch pattern a material associated with the walls cut surface or is it just a filled region?

2017-01-04, 06:39 PM
The hatch pattern is in the wall, not filled region. Oh geeze, it is exactly model lines (vs detail lines)... duh! Thanks!!