View Full Version : Thank You All

2005-03-28, 06:21 AM
I just wanted to make a point to thank everyone. I think I have learned alot in a short time and alot of that is thanks to all the helpful information I have found here or advice I have received from all of you.

It really excites me to see a community of people that realize that it is helpful to all of us to share knowledge and sometimes our work in terms of families.

I look forward to continuing to learn learn more and hopefully get to the point that I can share my knowledge too.



2005-03-28, 01:40 PM
Your welcome and I want to join in the thanks for this forum. I learn something new almost everyday, still. Its great to see how 2 diff. people may approach the same problem in diff. ways and come up with new faster solutions. Keep up the good work forum managers and contributers.

2005-03-28, 03:37 PM
absolutely. Add me to the list. I've been helped out of many problems by the people here, and am still learning every day! what a great place :)

2005-03-28, 05:13 PM
I would be absolutely lost without this forum, thank you everyone!

2005-03-28, 05:37 PM
Great Post!

The wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm is an addictive source of learning.
There is no way to fully express my gratitude, other than to say "I'm forever thankfull" and participate when I'm able.

2005-03-28, 05:49 PM
Add me to the list as well. Couldn't have done what I have thus far without the forum and those experts in it.

Thanks to all!!!!!

2005-03-28, 06:03 PM
Ditto for me if not for this forum I would be lost some times. I gladly thank each and every one that helped me.


Arnel Aguel
2005-03-29, 12:26 AM
Same here thank you so much. I've got books and video tutorials but still I would have not learned as fast as I could without this forum. This is the best place so far in learning Revit.

Thanks again to all of you guys cheers and keep the good work up.

2005-03-29, 02:55 AM
Yes Yes many thanks to everyone that has ever helped me out.
It is great to have such support and guidance from the Revit gurus.
Especially when Leonid, Irwin and the development team get involved.

A special thanks to the following people that have helped me out on many occasions.
In alphabetical order.

Aaron Rumple
Chris Zoog
Dimitri Harvalias
Jeffrey Mcgrew
Paul Monsef
Scott Davis
Steve Stafford

Excuse me if I left anyone out.

2005-03-29, 04:11 AM
Ditto from me as well on all of the above comments...

Let's keep up the momentum, and continue to encourage our coworkers to join and participate. Aaron Rumple told me when I was getting started that the most dialogue on the AUGI site is from the Revit wing, and I think that continues to be apparent. (Could that be a subtle indication of which is better, Revit or Auto@#$#%?)

2005-03-29, 04:39 AM
I will have to "ditto" the sentiment here, I come here just about every day and usually come away learning something or thinking about an issue a different way.

We should all do what we can to continue to make this a learning forum and stay away from the trappings of other discussion forums that just turn into "bit#$ sessions" or "urination contests".

Thanks to all that answer the multitude of questions but also those brave enough to post them as some might be to afraid to ask for fear of embarrassment (RS?)

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-03-29, 05:35 AM
It's nice to get one of these posts here once in a while just to remind us that we shouldn't take for granted what a great community and resource this is for all Revit users and Revit wannabees.
Good on all the people behind the scene at AUGI as well. Their names may not show up in posts as often as some but they certainly deserve praise as well.

2005-03-29, 12:32 PM
ditto from me as well

you guys have saved me so many times

2005-03-29, 02:23 PM
This forum is my homepage! lol
(not really, but it is the first place I go to after checking the e-mail every morning....even weekends!)

You all rock!

2005-03-29, 06:22 PM
at first you don't succeed go to augi.
90% success rate from the fellas. thanks guys without you Revit would be just a hunt and search and get mad at it program.

2005-03-29, 11:04 PM
I'd have to "ditto" the sentiment shared here as well. I try to make it a point to check in here everyday. I don't think Revit would be the program it is or have the mass of goodwill it does without this site and those of you here.

Thanks to you all.

2005-03-30, 06:35 AM
I have made it a point to visit 'Revit Forum' at least once in a day. The day I don't get time to visit, it makes me feel bad for no reason and I am stressed when the backlog is more than a day.

I learn Revit everyday through this forum. It helps me to understand how other users approach a given problem in their own way.

I recommend AUGI for every new user I support and help to learn Revit.

Thanks to one and all !!!

Max Lloyd
2005-03-30, 12:43 PM
My thoughts exactly.

Its brilliant to have so many enthusiastic, knowledgeable and most importantly, helpful people here. Excellent that people are prepared to spend time on other peoples problems, whilst hopefully all benefiting and learning from the experience.

Great site, keep it up everyone.
