View Full Version : 2017 Can't Tag Linked Rooms

2017-01-10, 12:19 AM
Hey gang,
So I've spent about 2 hours searching forums and such for an answer on this, but I can't find anything. I've got a linked model that contains all of the rooms for the project (it's the Architect's model, linked into our model). I want to tag the rooms in my model so I can control where the room name is on the plan. The Architect's model is using phases, so I've recreated the same phases in my model. I've also set the linked model visibility to the correct phase. So the end result is, when I click on the "Tag Rooms" button it will show the rooms in the linked model blue on the plan view, I can see them. But it will not let me select them to tag them. They are visible, just not select-able. Yes, I've made sure to turn on the "Select Links" button down in the bottom right corner too.

Any ideas what I'm missing here?

2017-01-10, 07:24 PM
Go into your Room Schedule. Will be under Fields and at bottom of screen. You did not need to do all that other stuff you tried.

2017-01-10, 07:36 PM
Go into your Room Schedule. Will be under Fields and at bottom of screen. You did not need to do all that other stuff you tried.

Not sure I follow you. I want to place a room tag on my plan. The rooms are in the linked model, not my model. So I'm not scheduling them.

2017-01-10, 07:56 PM
Here's what the plan looks like -
As you can see, the rooms (in the linked model) are visible when I click on the "Tag Room" button. But it won't let me "click" on any of them to place a tag. When I move my cursor over the room, it doesn't seem to care. I'm at a loss. I've run into this on a few different projects now and have yet to find a fix for this.

2017-01-10, 08:24 PM
In your Schedule Properties under the Fields drop down you will see a box at the bottom saying allow linked files to schedule or something like that. Click that button and you will be able to place Room Tags from the linked model

Kimberly Fuhrman
2017-01-10, 08:31 PM
Is the link set to be room bounding in the Type Properties?

2017-01-11, 12:34 AM
Is the link set to be room bounding in the Type Properties?


In your Schedule Properties under the Fields drop down you will see a box at the bottom saying allow linked files to schedule or something like that. Click that button and you will be able to place Room Tags from the linked model

Hmm. Yeah, that doesn't work either. If I create a room schedule, using the correct phase and I check the "include items from linked models" or whatever it says there, it doesn't list all of the rooms on the schedule and it still doesn't let me tag them. I tried changing the phase of the schedule to all of the other phases in the project, the rooms don't show in any of the other phases either. I can "tab-select" the individual room to "see" the properties of it. So I know the correct phase of the room. I've also opened the linked model and looked it that way too. This one is a real head scratcher!

2017-01-11, 02:27 AM
Expand ‘tag room’ panel and pick ‘tag all not tagged’. Select rooms and make sure ‘include elements from linked files’ is checked. Does it work?

Are those rooms tagged in arch. model? Have you tried to display them?

2017-01-11, 03:55 PM
One last thought. Did you go into the vg settings and into the linked model. Then under model categories make sure room is checked as well as the room tag in Annotations? I would like to know when you get it to work.

2017-01-11, 04:25 PM
Expand ‘tag room’ panel and pick ‘tag all not tagged’. Select rooms and make sure ‘include elements from linked files’ is checked. Does it work?

Are those rooms tagged in arch. model? Have you tried to display them?
They are. But I don't want to display the tags in the linked model because I cannot move those tags to where I want them.

One last thought. Did you go into the vg settings and into the linked model. Then under model categories make sure room is checked as well as the room tag in Annotations?
Yup, checked that first.

2017-01-11, 05:02 PM
Im out of ideas as well. Let us know when you figure it out. I think it has to do something with the Link

2017-01-11, 05:13 PM
Im out of ideas as well. Let us know when you figure it out. I think it has to do something with the Link

Yeah, me too. Like I said, I've run into this a couple times. Every time it is a linked model that uses phases. I've always made sure to set up the phases in my model to match, but I can never get the rooms to tag. I'm stumped.

2017-01-18, 07:35 PM
Hi Tim,
I think you have this one covered, but just to be real sure, when you say that you have the phases "setup to match", you mean within the Link Type dialog as shown, correct?

Best Regards,
Glynnis Patterson

2017-01-24, 01:57 PM
Phase mapping Might be the issue here.
I've seen that on other project before as a problem.

2019-02-21, 05:32 PM
Hey gang,
So I've spent about 2 hours searching forums and such for an answer on this, but I can't find anything. I've got a linked model that contains all of the rooms for the project (it's the Architect's model, linked into our model). I want to tag the rooms in my model so I can control where the room name is on the plan. The Architect's model is using phases, so I've recreated the same phases in my model. I've also set the linked model visibility to the correct phase. So the end result is, when I click on the "Tag Rooms" button it will show the rooms in the linked model blue on the plan view, I can see them. But it will not let me select them to tag them. They are visible, just not select-able. Yes, I've made sure to turn on the "Select Links" button down in the bottom right corner too.

Any ideas what I'm missing here?

Do you have rooms of your own that overlap?

If your rooms overlap the linked model then only yours will be tagged. If possible find a spot that doesn't overlap.

I have had a similar issue in when doing residential design, where I want the apartment unit to be a room and to have additional rooms inside that. So, I have one model copy monitoring the apartment "room" bounding walls with a apartment "room" inside that is linked back into the model with the interior rooms, I can tag the interior rooms; however I cannot tag the apartment "rooms" since they overlap. So I find a spot in the plan where the rooms don't overlap, i.e. an interior wall or cavity/chase and I can then tag the apartment "room."

Hope this helps.